With Director of Research at HeartMath® Institute
Rollin McCraty, PhD
& HeartMath® Master Trainer
Sarah Moor

New 7-Week Live Video Course Starts
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Explore proven techniques from HeartMath® research for balancing and elevating your mental, emotional, and energetic states anytime, anywhere and tapping into the transformative power of love.

Learn how science-backed methods can help you raise your personal vibration helping you navigate daily challenges with grace, resilience, and ease creating a ripple effect that uplifts everyone around you.


Would you like to help love go viral?

What if there were a way to rise above daily stress, fear, and anxiety to experience people’s differences with compassion, acceptance, and kindness?

Research by HeartMath® Institute shows that the patterns of our heart rhythms reflect our emotional states. When we’re hit with stressors, we fall out of sync, which impairs our ability to stay present and remain loving and compassionate.

According to psychophysiologist Rollin McCraty, PhD, the Director of Research at HearthMath ® Institute, with all that’s happened around the world over the last decade, the energetic state of our planet has led to a profound sense of separation and isolation, leaving many feeling drained and overwhelmed, unable to manage their stress.

Yet, what would the world look like if the prevailing emotion was love?

The potential for love to go viral isn’t just wishful thinking. It’s supported by leading-edge research.

Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.
Rabindranath Tagore

Science shows that when you elevate your own vibration, you have a powerful impact on those around you by affecting the collective emotional climate.

Rollin teaches that when you truly understand how the collective emotional climate is impacting you on both conscious and unconscious levels, you can learn strategies for improving your relationships, helping you stay grounded in the present moment and remaining steady in times of stress and upheaval.

HeartMath has tools you can use on a regular basis to elevate your level of consciousness and enter into a state of heart coherence quickly, expanding your own capacity for love. When you do this, you not only create harmony within yourself, you raise your personal frequency and incrementally raise the vibration of the entire planet.

That’s why it’s important to understand the science of heart coherence which involves aligning your physical, mental, and emotional states to create a coherent state of being, allowing you to tap into the potential of your heart so you can raise the baseline of your personal vibration of love and other positive emotions.

Join Rollin and HeartMath trainer Sarah Moor in a profoundly transformative and experiential new 7-week live video course, where you’ll dive deep into the concept of heart coherence. Explore how to capture its power for transforming your mind-body experience of life to one of happiness, wholeness, and inner peace through wisdom and practices grounded in science.

Rollin, who has been with HeartMath Institute since its inception in 1991, has continued his groundbreaking work in heart coherence, intuition, consciousness, and global interconnectivity without interruption over the last three decades.

He’s a key leader in the Global Coherence Initiative a science-based, co-creative project designed to unite people in heart-focused love and intention...

... to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to compassionate care, cooperation, and peace.

Rollin and Sarah will show you how achieving heart coherence can increase your capacity to raise your vibration of love, ultimately and significantly improving every aspect of your life .

Love is based not on how you act or feel but on your level of awareness.
Deepak Chopra

You’ll learn and experience scientifically studied exercises and techniques that will help you develop strategies to bring yourself into a higher vibration that aligns you with your larger self...

... so you can protect your emotional health, develop greater self-awareness, transcend limiting patterns, foster improved overall wellbeing, enhance your intuitive abilities, connect with your inner guidance system, enjoy healthier relationships, and cultivate a more authentic and expansive sense of self.

You’ll work with what HeartMath calls the vibrational spectrum of love , which enables you to heighten your capacity for compassion, kindness, latitude, love, and more for yourself and others on an energetic level.

You’ll examine the physiological impacts that different levels of vibrations have on your hormonal and nervous systems, which affect your health and emotional wellbeing...

... while exploring the power of heart coherence and its ability to shift your vibration into a higher state of being.

Delve into what it would take to spread this higher vibrational love on a global scale... so that you, the people around you, and the world community could live with more harmony, ease, and lasting peace.

By first taking responsibility for your own emotional stability, you won’t just feel more grace, passion, and fulfillment you’ll proactively take part in raising the global vibration.

This creates a ripple effect that promotes peace and harmony around the planet and ultimately contributes to a more compassionate and loving world.


During this powerful program, you’ll:

  • Learn how you can transform the energetic state of separation and stress into one of compassion, kindness, acceptance, and forgiveness
  • Experience the power of your energetic heart to access the spectrum of love
  • Raise your personal vibration of love through a variety of scientifically backed HeartMath techniques that you’ll practice in each of the seven sessions to hone your awareness, become heart coherent, and establish a new baseline consciousness for yourself
  • Experience internal shifts that will contribute to a consciousness upleveling for all humanity
  • Learn about some of the newest research behind heart coherence and how it affects your body, brain, and the global energetic field
  • Be guided in practices to shift lower vibrational patterns with energy balancing activities resulting in greater equilibrium and resilience, and the ability to attract experiences that are aligned with your deepest desires
  • Increase your ability to tap into your intuitive wisdom to establish a direct path to a more purpose-filled life
  • Cultivate greater clarity and confidence as you learn to trust your inner voice and use it as a reliable compass for achieving your highest potential
  • Help love go viral by actively practicing spreading love and compassion in the global energetic field enhancing your sense of purpose and connection
  • And much more...

You’ll receive the tools you need to sustain a higher baseline vibration, infuse your heart’s magnetic field with love, and expand the areas on the spectrum of love that need healing and transformation within you.

And, you’ll experience firsthand how, when you unleash your own love, you not only transform your experience as you walk through the world... you’ll also begin to notice how your personal evolution impacts those around you.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

In this 7-week transformational course, Rollin will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully raise your personal vibration, increase the areas on the “spectrum of love” that need healing within you, and experience greater harmony, resilience, ease, and peace while contributing to a healthier global energetic vibration and helping love go viral.

Join the Livestream or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience


You’ll connect with Rollin and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Rollin’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Course Sessions Wednesdays at 4:00pm Pacific

This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Rollin. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the science, practices, tools, and techniques you’ll need to raise your self-awareness and personal vibration, so you can experience greater harmony, resilience, and peace while unleashing your love throughout your life and the world.

Module 1: The Power of the Energetic Heart — Accessing the Spectrum of Love to Transcend Limiting Patterns, Enhance Your Intuition, and Cultivate a More Authentic & Expansive Sense of Self (October 23)


This opening module sets the foundation for understanding the energetic heart. It explores the importance of elevating your energetic vibrational frequency to facilitate personal growth and deeper self-awareness.

By connecting with the energetic heart, you can transcend limiting patterns, enhance your intuitive abilities, and cultivate a more authentic and expansive sense of self.

You’ll also learn about the vibrational spectrum of love and some of the powerful frequencies within that spectrum.

In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How being in a higher vibration aligns you with your larger self
  • That you’ll be less affected by stressors when you’re in a higher vibration
  • The impact that higher vibrational frequencies have at the energetic and cellular levels
  • Experience an effective technique for connecting with your heart and the power of focused love energy — so you can raise your vibration and help lift others around you

Module 2: Practical Intuition — Accessing a Flow of Awareness That Elevates Your Intuition and Provides a More Direct Path to Your Purpose & Fulfillment (October 30)


This module is designed to help you tap into your intuitive wisdom for more purposeful living. You’ll learn to harness your innate intuitive abilities to navigate life's challenges and opportunities with greater clarity and confidence.

Through experiential exercises, this class will provide practical tools to enhance your self-awareness and align your actions with your inner guidance. By integrating intuitive insights into daily decisions and long-term goals, you can streamline your journey toward personal fulfillment, achieve more meaningful outcomes, and cultivate a deeper sense of alignment with your true self.

You’ll be empowered to trust your inner voice and use it as a reliable compass for achieving your highest potential.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about research reflecting three types of intuition and the heart’s role in intuition
  • Experience the flow of awareness and intuitive guidance that’s available when you align with your larger self via the energetic heart
  • Discover ways to bring your heart, mind, and emotions into alignment to access your larger self for greater fulfillment
  • Practice the simple and effective Freeze Frame technique to increase your connection with your intuitive heart

Module 3: Expanding Your Vibrational Awareness & Elevating Your Personal Energy Field — Creating a More Balanced, Harmonious & Fulfilling Life (November 6)


Enhance your understanding and the application of vibrational energy for fostering wellbeing and fulfillment. Through exploring the principles of vibrational awareness, you’ll learn techniques to elevate your personal energy field and create resonance with regenerative and harmonious frequencies.

You’ll examine practical strategies and techniques for identifying and shifting lower vibrational patterns and embracing energy-balancing activities. By expanding your vibrational awareness, you can achieve greater emotional equilibrium, cultivate more harmonious relationships, and attract experiences aligned with your deepest fulfillment. This transformative journey enables you to live more authentically and joyfully, grounded in a deeper sense of balance and inner peace.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Expand your awareness of the higher and lower vibrations you experience throughout the day
  • Discover the physiological impacts that different levels of vibrations have on your hormonal and nervous systems, which in turn affect your health
  • Explore where love is activated in your life and the impact it has on your wellbeing
  • Experience the Attitude Breathing™ technique for raising your vibrational self-awareness any time throughout the day

Module 4: Harnessing the Energy of Passion & Inspiration to Increase Your Vibration, and Flow Through Challenging Times With More Grace & Ease (November 13)


Explore your larger self, which represents an achievable vibration within you that contains the wisdom and intelligence of your heart.

Expand your awareness and understanding of the powerful energy of higher dignity and energetic-level patience — as well as your heart’s passion and inspiration — to elevate your vibration and navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and ease.

By understanding the difference between valid concern and the lower vibrations of anxiety, fear, and negative projections, you’ll gain the confidence and inner strength you need to truly know that you can handle whatever life brings your way.

This session will empower you to transform obstacles into opportunities and cultivate a life filled with grace, flow, and abundant energy… unlocking your full potential.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Gain the confidence and ability to handle whatever comes your way
  • Learn how to harness passion and inspiration to raise your energetic frequency
  • Discover practical strategies for maintaining high energy levels during challenging times
  • Gain insights into staying motivated and aligned with your higher purpose
  • Experience practices for deepening your energetic awareness and raising your vibration

Module 5: Synchronize Your Heart & Brain — Establishing a Coherent Baseline to Reduce Daily Stress Reactions, Release Old Patterns & Gain More Energy (November 20)


Learn how your heart-brain interactions affect many aspects of cognition and emotional experience.

Explore how heart coherence enables optimal mental and emotional functioning and a wide range of improved health outcomes.

Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the brain to change continuously throughout life, and in this session, you’ll experience a technique for updating subconscious emotional memories that underlie and affect your perceptions, emotional reactions, thought processes, and behavior.

This means you can shift and get out of “stuck” unhealthy patterns, unconscious biases, judgments, and inaccurate perceptions of yourself and others. Overcoming your past requires that you establish a new internal baseline reference that becomes “familiar” — your new normal — and the key to sustained change.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn Intriguing science about the heart and the impact heart coherence has on brain function
  • Discover how both higher and lower vibrational frequencies affect heart coherence
  • Explore how to progressively replace old mindsets, attitudes, and feelings that block access to your higher self
  • Clear old stress patterns that are stored in your cells
  • Experience the Heart Lock-In ® technique to establish new energetic connections to your higher vibrational dimensions

Module 6: How Loves Connects Us — Creating a Kinder, More Compassionate & Peaceful World (December 4)


In this transformative module, you’ll explore the profound impact of love on global consciousness and collective wellbeing.

You’ll delve into the latest groundbreaking research from the Global Coherence Initiative and the Global Consciousness Project 2.0, revealing how our collective emotions and intentions influence the world around us.

Through a series of engaging discussions, you’ll uncover the science behind how love, compassion, and emotional coherence can create measurable changes in our global environment. You’ll discover leading-edge technology — including state-of-the-art Random Number Generators (RNGs) — used to monitor and analyze these changes, providing compelling evidence that our interconnectedness is more profound than ever imagined.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn about the Global Coherence Initiative and its mission to measure the interconnectedness of human consciousness and the Earth's energetic systems
  • Explore how people influence each other by the energetic fields we radiate
  • Look at the science of why it’s so important to “feed the field” with more love and compassion
  • Discover the science and uncover the groundbreaking research that shows how love and emotional coherence can influence global consciousness
  • Be part of the change and join a global community of individuals committed to fostering a more compassionate and peaceful world

Module 7: Love in Action — Taking Actionable Steps to Unleash More Love in Your Daily Life, Enhance Your Emotional Wellbeing & Create Meaningful Connections (December 11)


This dynamic closing module is designed to help you integrate love into your everyday experiences — through practical and impactful actions.

You’ll learn actionable strategies for increasing your vibration and experiencing more love, compassion, and kindness in various aspects of your daily life — from personal relationships to professional interactions.

By implementing these practices, you can cultivate a more loving and supportive environment, enhance your emotional wellbeing, and create meaningful connections. You’ll end this course feeling empowered to transform your intentions of love into concrete actions, thereby enriching your life and positively impacting those around you.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Share your key take-aways from this program
  • Practice an interactive exercise to explore where you can expand your capacity to love and integrate your learnings into your daily life
  • Discover practical steps to increase love, compassion, and kindness in personal and professional interactions — to enhance your emotional wellbeing through the daily practice of love and kindness
  • Experience the Heart-Mapping Exercise to access your higher self and create a new reality — for yourself and others


The Science of Love Bonus Offering

In addition to Rollin’s transformative 7-week online course, you’ll receive this special bonus offering to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

When you register by Midnight Pacific on Wednesday, October 16, you’ll receive the bonuses below as an extra gift:

The Heart as the Meeting Point Between Science & Energy
VIdeo Dialogue With Rollin McCraty, PhD, and Prune Harris

In this rich and beautiful discussion, Rollin and Prune Harris, consciousness educator and soul activist, share their unique and complementary understandings of the energies of the heart. Together, they create a dynamic bridge between scientific and energetic models of health. You’ll learn how science is validating and giving a language to what you may have known all along that your heart is the source of your wisdom, courage, and higher intelligence… and the vehicle for your radiant soul energy.

Register by to claim this bonus before it expires.


12 HeartMath Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced
Ebook From HeartMath Institute

This PDF ebook is filled with 12 effective HeartMath tools and practices that are designed to help you increase self-security through balance, clear thinking, and heart-guided choices. This guide can help you engage and activate your deeper heart qualities and uplift you during challenging times.

The Stress & Well-Being Assessment
Online Assessment Survey From HeartMath Institute

This scientifically developed assessment tool will give you a snapshot of your current level of wellbeing and stress-management skills. It measures four key dimensions of wellbeing — stress management, adaptability, resilience, and emotional vitality — and then compares this data to a normed group of individuals, providing an accurate reference point. The survey will offer you practical tools for improving your levels should you have a low score in any of the four dimensions.

The Energetic Heart Monograph
PDF Guide From HearthMath Institute

Discover why the heart’s electromagnetic field is believed to act as a central synchronizing signal within the body — an important carrier of emotional information and a key mediator of energetic interactions between people. This 20-page monograph explores research on bioelectromagnetic interactions and how living and acting from a coherent heart state can affect those around us. The research was conducted by HeartMath Institute and other organizations.


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What Graduates of Rollin McCraty’s Courses Are Saying...

Marylene Ayotte: “I'm Extremely Grateful for Dr. McCraty's Lifelong Dedication to Researching the Power of Our Hearts”

Sheila Pride: “Rollin Is So Kind and Humble and Brilliant”

Amy Livingstone: “You'll Come Away With a Refreshed and Revitalized Appreciation of Our Capacity as Humans”

“... such a godsend in my life!”

This course on heart coherence has given me a very simple tool to keep myself calm in the face of stress, and that has enabled me to not get sucked into old patterns of argumentative behavior, which has been such a godsend in my life! That alone is a major shift and transformational change in my life!


Fairfield, California

EDIT 2442
“This work is so dang simple and transforming.”

My life has been challenging physically, mentally, and emotionally the last few months. This class gave me insights and helped soooo much. This work is so dang simple and transforming. I dealt with Covid and serious vertigo during this course, and it was the heart coherence that helped get me through. I also learned how to trust my gut instincts — a huge one for me.


Lacey, Washington

EDIT 2445
“The course was of great help to me...”

The course was of great help to me in transitioning through a particularly stressful and difficult family conflict. I’m especially thankful to Rollin, Sarah, and the HeartMath team, as I began experiencing discomfort in my chest during the conflict. This was frightening to me, as I had a quadruple bypass about four years ago. Since practicing daily the techniques provided in this course, the discomfort has gone and I’m feeling more confident about my heart health.


Gold Coast, Australia

EDIT 2446
“Every time I have any contact with Rollin, I get true gems and pearls...”

I’ve been using HeartMath technologies, books, articles, and techniques since the ’90s and share them with every client, patient, workshop, etc. Every time I have any contact with Rollin, I get true gems and pearls, and pass them on. These are pearls of info, meaning, and application — always something new and important that adds much value to my life, practice, and teachings.

Bob Whitehouse, EdD


EDIT 2447
“The course was so profound that I often cried as it went so deep.”

Rollin and Sarah gently guided us to our Sacred Heart. The course was so profound that I often cried as it went so deep. What an honor to be in that room.


South Africa

EDIT 5390

Join the Global Community


The Science of Love offers some of the most transformational online teachings available, within a thriving global community of learning and practice.

Join fellow students and practitioners to support and inspire each other as you integrate the teachings and practices Rollin McCraty, PhD will share in this powerful program.

You’ll join an international community on the leading edge of manifesting a world grounded in the principles of cooperation, harmony, and reverence for all of life.


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Rollin McCraty, PhD

Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from Rollin McCraty, PhD, Director of Research at HeartMath Institute from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you through a variety of techniques to raise your self-awareness and personal vibration. Learn to shift your mental and emotional energy anytime, anywhere, and increase the areas on the “spectrum of love” that need healing within you to experience greater inner harmony, resilience, ease, and peace while helping love go viral across the globe. Course sessions are on Wednesdays at 4:00pm Pacific.

Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions

After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.

Online Community

Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.


An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, The Science of Love


We feel honored that Rollin McCraty, PhD has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with the Director of Research at HeartMath Institute, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about unleashing your love and helping love go viral, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.


3 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Science of Love or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form on or before November 6, 2024 and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Rollin McCraty, PhD

“It’s simple, practical, and the best gift you can give yourself and others.”

Practicing the HeartMath coherence-building techniques has had a profound impact on my energy level and the way I now respond to my environment. The tools are easy to use as you go about your day. In my case, my baseline has shifted several times since I’ve incorporated the practice in my daily life. It’s a practice that’s cumulative and keeps on giving. It’s simple, practical, and the best gift you can give yourself and others.

Marilyn Ayotte
EDIT 2463
“I have learned to establish inner balance, regardless of my external environment.”

The HeartMath tools and techniques have literally become the baseline of my everyday life. The awareness that each of us has the capacity to essentially flip a switch and, on demand, align our internal states syncing our heart, brain, and nervous systems, has been truly life-changing. I have learned to establish inner balance, regardless of my external environment. It impacts my presence, how I listen, and how I communicate in my relationships, and ultimately it has inspired me to have more compassion for myself and others. A true gift in these times!

Donna K.
EDIT 2467
“I can immediately feel the energy shifting inside when I come into coherence.”

I can immediately feel the energy shifting inside when I come into coherence. It’s like there’s an opening in an internal dam where the energy just starts flowing up. Sometimes there’s a deep inner joy that rushes through me and actually brings tears to my eyes. After that, I just want to extend love to all beings around me, and any feelings of resentment, anger, and frustration disappear. Of course, these moments don’t last, but the goal is to regularly shift into this state in order to bring this high energy to daily situations that may be challenging.


Playa San Miguel, Costa Rica

EDIT 5391

About Rollin McCraty, PhD


Rollin McCraty, PhD, is Director of Research at the HeartMath® Institute. As a psychophysiologist, Rollin’s research interests include the physiology of emotion with a focus on the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior, and health and the global interconnectivity between people and the Earth’s energetic systems. Findings from this research have been applied to developing tools and technology to optimize individual and organizational health, performance, and quality of life.

Rollin has acted as principal investigator in numerous research studies examining the effects of emotions on heart-brain interactions plus autonomic, cardiovascular, hormonal, and immune system function. He has also served as principal investigator in many field studies to determine the outcomes of positive emotion-focused interventions and heart-rhythm feedback in diverse organizational and educational settings, as well as in various clinical populations.


Frequently Asked Questions


What’s a virtual course?

It’s a great way to engage with live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is any connected device. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.

Can I still benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?

Absolutely! You can stream the recordings and download the transcripts of all course sessions, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage with the full community and leaders in our private online community group.

Can you tell me about the private online community group?

We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants on Facebook that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.

Are there scholarships available for this training?

Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.

What’s your refund policy?

Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is November 6, 2024. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)

How can I reach Customer Support?

Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.