With World-Renowned Past-Life Regressionist
Shelley Kaehr, PhD

A 7-Module On-Demand Video Training


Harness the power of your subconscious mind with guided inner journeys to heal ancestral trauma and transform old pain into new peace for deep relief, greater happiness, and higher love.


Have you struggled with anxiety or depression due to family pain, trauma, or dysfunction?

According to world-renowned past-life regressionist Shelley Kaehr, by sending healing love and light to our ancestors we can also heal ourselves. We can finally let go of things we need to forgive and experience the deep satisfaction of feeling valued, appreciated, and loved beyond measure.

Where there’s family, ideally there’s love, kinship, and sharing...  yet, often there’s tension, resentment, and wounding too. All these qualities for better and for worse may be rooted in ancestral legacies.

Research shows that our very DNA can hold the traumas of our ancestors and that unresolved inherited pain can contribute to not only anxiety and depression, but also hereditary conditions and a wide range of physical and emotional challenges... and even dis-ease.

The good news is that you can ease ancestral trauma and mitigate inherited patterns that are affecting your life now. You can bring peace to painful relationships, legacies, and events, and live a happier life with a deeper sense of belonging and connection.

Shelley's process of Genealogical Regression can help you meet with the higher selves of your parents, grandparents, and other members of your family to identify events your ancestors lived through and send them profound healing.

The guided inner journeys that comprise this process can help you and your living family members find deeper peace and wellbeing because everyone in the entire family tree receives ripples of healing energy.

Ancestral lineage healing can be a deeply cathartic practice, opening you to new levels of peace, forgiveness, and emotional healing that you may not have experienced with any other healing modality.

Join us for a powerfully transformative course, where Shelley will guide you through her signature ancestral healing method to help you set your family free from deep-seated burdens so you can enjoy your current and future life more fully.

With Shelley’s potent process, you’ll be gently guided into a relaxed meditative state to experience visionary encounters with your ancestors for healing and transformation. Weaving together guided imagery, energy work, and reflective journaling, each journey will take place on an energetic level as you walk through a magic door into a sacred field of infinite potential.

You’ll start by receiving current-life healings with the higher selves of your parents, or the mother and father figures who raised you (whether they’re living or they’ve passed on even if you were adopted).

You’ll meet these figures at the level of their purest soul essence, transcending their behaviors and actions on the Earth plane. By connecting at this level, you can find space for healing and a greater sense of openness that helps you feel more happiness now and in the future.

Next, you’ll embark on two past-life regressions, where you’ll explore family connections from previous incarnations and heal painful patterns.

At the heart of this course is Shelley’s Genealogical Regression process, where you’ll use the power of your subconscious mind and imagination to embark on time-travel adventures and send your ancestors healing energy that reverberates throughout time.

The Value of a Trusted Guide

The author of over 25 books on metaphysical topics, Shelley has been blending the healing power of regression sessions with energy work for more than two decades, helping thousands usher greater peace and happiness into their lives.

With her expert guidance, you’ll discover how to enter these territories gently, and get the most from your journeys with helpful journaling exercises to process your experiences.

If you’re ready to harness the power of your deepest being to overcome old patterns and heal ancestral wounds, join Shelley and discover new keys to healing, growth, and peace.


In this life-changing course, you’ll:

  • Be guided through 2 current-life healings, 2 past-life regressions, and 2 Genealogical Regressions to bring peace to yourself and everyone in your family
  • Discover an easy relaxation process to journey into a safe, sacred space where you’ll experience healing time-travel adventures
  • Explore a simple, perspective-expanding technique to meet with a trusted spirit guide or angel
  • Meet with your parents’ higher selves to explore past-life connections and heal old patterns and pain
  • Bring healing to your inner child and transform past hurts into peace and understanding
  • Uncover deeper truths about the soul contracts you share with your current family members, and why you met in this life
  • Travel down your 4 main lineages to send light to your ancestors
  • Identify challenging events that happened to your ancestors and extend loving-kindness, grace, and healing light to all concerned
  • Use your inner power to bring healing light forward through time and send that light to everyone in your entire family past, present, and future
  • Sense how this healing light brings you comfort in your body, mind, and spirit
  • Be guided through helpful journaling exercises to process your experiences in ways that help you learn, heal, and grow
  • Discover how to move forward with new vitality and an exquisite sense of liberation

Cyndi Dale, Shift Faculty, Prolific Author, and Intuitive Energy Healer:
“Shelley Is the Bright Light That We're All Looking For”


What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-part transformational intensive, Shelley will guide you through meditative journeys, energy work, and reflective journaling to help you heal ancestral trauma and transform old pain into new peace for deep relief, greater happiness, and higher love.


This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Shelley. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to transform past hurts into peace.

Module 1: Ancestral Healing Overview How It Uplifts Your Family Tree


In this opening class, you’ll embark on your transformational journey as Shelley orients you to research from her 20+ years in the field of past-life regression. You’ll explore situations that can be helped by traditional past-life regression, and get the background on how Shelley developed the Genealogical Regression process.

Shelley will also share the latest scientific research on how our DNA is influenced by our ancestors’ experiences. She’ll give you an overview of the processes that will help you get the most benefit from every class. And she’ll take you on a guided journey to set the tone for your experience throughout the course.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Receive an overview of past-life regression and Genealogical Regression
  • Discover a powerful way to journey into a safe, sacred space that’s special to you
  • Melt into an easy relaxation process to bring protective light around you for centering and balance
  • Explore a simple, perspective-expanding technique to meet with a trusted spirit guide or angel
  • Be guided through a brief journaling exercise to begin your process of self-discovery and transformation

Module 2: Current-Life Healing With Your Mom


When it comes to healing, it is so important and so transformative to come to peace with things that happened in your current life’s past.

In this class, Shelley will take you through a guided imagery process to go back into the sacred space you explored in Module 1. You’ll meet with your Inner Child and allow this part of you to speak with the higher self of your mother about any hurts or misunderstandings to bring greater peace into your life experience.

Whether your mother is living, crossed into spirit, an adoptive or foster-mom, or a birth mother you’ve never met before, your connection with her is integral to your soul’s journey in life. The same is true when it comes to any other female figure who played a foundational role in your upbringing, such as an aunt or a grandmother.

If it’s possible for you to do so, you can have a conversation toward forgiveness with the higher self of the maternal figure in your life, and express your true feelings about past events in a safe and nourishing way. Doing so can help you feel lighter and achieve a new sense of tranquility.

The foundational work you do in this session will assist you as we dig deeper into the soul relationship between you and your mom in the coming sessions.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Have a heart-to-heart in a safe way with your mom’s soul essence about painful situations from the past
  • Bring healing to your inner child and transform past hurts into peace and understanding
  • Receive apologies and offer forgiveness where needed
  • Open yourself toward accepting what has been, releasing the past, and moving forward anew
  • Resolve challenges and gain new insight about the soul you’ve known as your mother
  • Be guided through supportive journal prompts to help you record the transformational information you receive and reflect on your experience

Module 3: Current-Life Healing With Your Dad


In this module, you’ll engage with the energy of the person you’ve known as your father.

Your father may be an important part of your life, or you may not know him at all. He may be alive, or he may be in spirit. You may be adopted, raised by foster parents, have had a beautiful relationship with your father, or have had a challenging and painful relationship with him.

Regardless of whether you meet with your birth father or another important father figure in your life, you’ll connect with his higher self as Shelley takes you on another guided-imagery journey.

As you engage in a meaningful and life-shifting conversation, you’ll bring healing to hurts, misunderstandings, and things that need forgiveness. In some cases where forgiveness is not possible, you’ll learn to invite greater peace into your daily experience so you can enjoy your current and future life more fully.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Have a heart-to-heart in a safe way with your father’s soul essence about painful situations from the past
  • Bring healing to your inner child and transform past hurts into peace and understanding
  • Receive apologies and offer forgiveness where needed
  • Open yourself toward accepting what has been, releasing the past, and moving forward anew
  • Resolve challenges and gain new insight about the soul you’ve known as your father
  • Be guided through supportive journal prompts to help you record the transformational information you receive and reflect on your experience

Module 4: Discovering & Healing Past Lives You’ve Had With Your Mom


In this module, you’ll continue your healing journey with your mother or the woman who raised you to uncover the deeper truths of your soul contract together and why you met in your current life.

Shelley will explain how to travel to the most important events in previous incarnations where you and your mother knew each other in the past.

She’ll take you on a guided-imagery journey to help you identify the places where you and your mother connected before, patterns that affected you in the past that may be present in your current-life relationship, opportunities for healing, and the positive aspects and soul learning you’ve both experienced as a result of your relationship throughout time.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Uncover past lives where you and your mother knew each other
  • Determine your soul contracts and agreements
  • Identify events that explain your current relationship dynamics
  • Heal and transform heavy energies and find new understanding within your relationship whether your mother is alive or in spirit
  • Discover how to move forward with renewed vitality
  • Be guided through helpful journaling exercises to put your thoughts down in a way that helps you learn, heal, and grow

Module 5: Discovering & Healing Past Lives You’ve Had With Your Dad


In this module, you’ll embark on one more transformational past-life regression.

This time, your healing work will center around your father, or the man who raised you, which might include your birth father, adoptive dad, foster-dad, or another father figure.

Shelley will take you on a guided journey, where you’ll travel to the safe and sacred space you’ve been visiting in each session.

From there, you’ll meet with your father’s higher self to explore past-life connections, patterns of behavior, opportunities for healing, and the positive aspects and soul learning you’ve both experienced as a result of your relationship throughout time.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Uncover past lives where you and your father knew each other
  • Determine your soul contracts and agreements
  • Identify events that explain your current relationship dynamics
  • Heal and transform heavy energies and find new understanding within your relationship whether your father is alive or in spirit
  • Discover how to move forward with renewed vitality
  • Be guided through journaling exercises to help you keep track of the important nuggets of information your soul has uncovered

Module 6: Genealogical Regression With Your Mom


Shelley’s Genealogical Regression process is the heart of the work you’ve been building toward during the last several modules.

Now that you’ve gained more understanding and information about your mother and her influence on your soul’s journey in this lifetime and others, it’s time to uncover the influence of events that occurred in your ancestors’ lives.

In this module, you’ll focus on your mother’s side of your family. Shelley will take you on an incredible journey to meet with your mother’s higher self and travel down your mother’s mother’s lineage to send light and healing where needed. Then you’ll meet with your mother’s father’s lineage to send light and healing to them as well.

You’ll visualize yourself floating over the events that happened in the past to these ancestors. Together, you, Shelley, and your guides and angels will send light to all who need healing.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Travel down your mother’s lineages to send light to your ancestors
  • Identify challenging events that happened to your ancestors and extend loving-kindness, grace, and healing light to all concerned
  • Use your inner power to bring healing light forward through time and send that light to everyone in your entire family past, present, and future
  • Sense the lighter feeling within yourself and your current family members
  • Be guided through helpful journal prompts to help you process what you receive during your journey

Module 7: Genealogical Regression With Your Dad (April 20)


Now that you’re familiar with the Genealogical Regression process, Shelley will take you on another amazing journey in this concluding module.

This time, you’ll meet with your father’s higher self and travel into the past to his mother’s side of the family, and then to his father’s side of the family. You’ll be guided to send healing energy to both lineages.

Shelley will help you find events in your ancestors’ past that most need healing at this time. You’ll once again notice how sending love to your ancestors helps you feel better, and you’ll receive transformational healing by extending meaningful light and grace to those who came before you and those who come after you.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Travel down your father’s lineages to send light to your ancestors
  • Identify challenging events that happened to your ancestors and extend loving-kindness, grace, and healing light to all concerned
  • Use your inner power to bring healing light forward through time and send that light to everyone in your entire family past, present, and future
  • Sense how this light affects you positively and brings you greater peace within your body, mind, and spirit
  • Be guided through helpful journal prompts to record the important messages and information you receive during your journey

Shelley will wrap up the course by suggesting simple ways you can continue your healing journey and integrate the skills you’ve acquired.

She’ll also show you how you can take these journeys again in the future with the recordings of each class and receive different insights and results depending on the intentions you set at the beginning of each guided journey.

You’ll leave the course with an appreciation of your accomplishments, suggestions for expanding your relationships with your ancestors, journaling ideas for continuing your healing and self-understanding, and strategies for incorporating these methods into your other healing practices.


The Past-Life & Genealogical Regression Bonus Collection

In addition to Shelley’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these special bonuses to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Self-Care for Processing Your Journeys
Video Teaching From Shelley Kaehr

You’ll likely find this video to be a go-to for processing your journeys at the end of every class. You may have a lot to integrate, so Shelley encourages you to be gentle with yourself. She offers supportive suggestions for setting up a nurturing space for your journeys, journaling, and integration. She also discusses why keeping a healing log and writing letters or simply expressing yourself fully within the safe confines of your journal can be incredibly helpful in processing inner work. This is a special time in your life so you’ll also receive kudos from Shelley on taking these steps to nourish yourself and your family tree.


Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life
Video Dialogue With Shelley Kaehr and Lisa Bonnice

Your family’s past is a key to healing in the present. With Shelley and Shift Network host Lisa Bonnice, you’ll explore a supplemental resource on the life-changing power of Genealogical Regression sessions. Tune in to this illuminating recording from this year’s Ancestral Healing Summit and sink into a helpful meditation to support your familial healing journey plus bonus insight into alleviating the suffering of your ancestors to bless your entire family throughout time.


Genealogical Regression Session
Recorded Session From Shelley Kaehr

To give you a clearer idea of what you‘ll be doing in class, Shelley’s sharing a full one-hour Genealogical Regression session with you. You’ll see how her client is guided into relaxation, finds a safe and nurturing space, and connects with the higher selves of both her parents. As you’ll discover, the advantage of taking this 7-module course is that, with Shelley’s guidance, you’ll be able to go deeply into a space like this for healing, understanding, and transformation. This sample session shows you what’s possible for you with this course!


What People Are Saying About Shelley Kaehr, PhD...


Damaris Hopewell: “Dr. Shelley Kaehr’s Classes Have Exceeded My Expectations”

Cara Blume: “Dr. Shelley Kaehr Is Brilliant, Inspiring, Engaging, Approachable & Fun”

“She became a great mentor to me…”

I was considering getting into hypnosis, always having an interest in it, and wanting to get out of the chip industry. I was unsure how to proceed. Then I came across Shelley and her classes for past-life regressions and later Genealogical Regressions. She became a great mentor to me, helping me out with her experience when I ran into unexpected challenges from being new to the field. Her Healing Arts online school has been a great resource for me as well, to which she has constantly been adding more material. Looking forward to working more with Shelley to see where this amazing journey takes me.
Bob Paddock, Pennsylvania

“My knowledge, understanding, and clients have moved to new heights.”

I’m an energy healer and already working with past-life healings. But wow this book of Shelley’s took my work to a new level I had a full understanding of working and healing through ancestral lineage. She was professional and so approachable with any queries I had. I loved working with her and her work. My knowledge, understanding, and clients have moved to new heights. Thank you so much for your work.
Carly Sheldrake, United Kingdom

“I have learned so much about myself based on ancestry knowledge gained from doing the genealogical regressions!”

Shelley’s books are fabulous! Great information. Easy to follow. Exercises are self-explanatory. I’ve taken several classes with Shelley, including Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life. I have learned so much about myself based on ancestry knowledge gained from doing the genealogical regressions!
Theresa Hallinan, New York

“Being a student for life, I just absolutely love this!”

I've loved taking Shelley's classes. I've been a practitioner of hypnosis, consciousness, and energy modalities, and a student of shamanism for many years and I already knew going into her classes the power of being able to connect into past lives, in-between lives, and exploring ancestral lineages for transformation on many levels… physically, mentally, energetically, spiritually, multi-dimensionally. What I didn't know was how much I didn't know yet! Being a student for life, I just absolutely love this!
Lori Mitchell, Seattle


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Shelley Kaehr, PhD

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of Genealogical Regression from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and processes to heal ancestral trauma and transform old pain into new peace for deep relief, greater happiness, and higher love.

Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Past-Life & Genealogical Regression Bonus Collection
  • Self-Care for Processing Your Journeys
    Video Teaching From Shelley Kaehr
  • Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life
    Video Dialogue With Shelley Kaehr and Lisa Bonnice
  • Genealogical Regression Session
    Recorded Session From Shelley Kaehr

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Past-Life & Genealogical Regression to Heal Your Ancestors & Yourself Online Training


We feel honored that Shelley Kaehr has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from the creator of Genealogical Regression, whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and transform ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about healing ancestral trauma throughout your family tree, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Past-Life & Genealogical Regression to Heal Your Ancestors & Yourself or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.


More Praise for Shelley Kaehr, PhD...

“Shelley Kaehr, PhD is one of those rare authors with extraordinary skills as a past-life regressionist and a writer.”

Shelley Kaehr, PhD is one of those rare authors with extraordinary skills as a past-life regressionist and a writer. She captures your heart and imagination with her vivid and gripping case histories. Each one imparts a valuable truth and brings soothing comfort to those of us who have experienced deep pain, physically or emotionally… her books are amazing, deep, and extraordinarily beautiful inside and out, just like the author… [Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life] is a dazzler, and anyone interested in personal transformation should have a copy on their bookshelf.
Kac Young, PhD, author of Crystal Power

“...she not only illustrates how trauma in our ancestors’ lives and past lives can be carried forward into our own lives, she teaches readers how to heal that trauma…”

Dr. Shelley Kaehr highlights different client cases that show us why it’s important to consider ancestral patterns in our own healing journeys. By sharing stories from client regression sessions, she not only illustrates how trauma in our ancestors’ lives and past lives can be carried forward into our own lives, she teaches readers how to heal that trauma… Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life is an important resource for anyone striving to find answers by turning to the ancestral family lines and patterns.
Natalie Fowler, psychic medium and author of The Spirit’s Way Home

“Shelley is the real deal and a true earth angel.”

Shelley is one of our most popular speakers. Her classes are professional and engaging and I’ve learned a lot going through her programs over the years. Her guided imagery journeys are always helpful, and the exercises during her Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your LIfe class were amazing, with great feedback from students. I highly recommend Shelley’s classes to everyone and I’m excited to see her course presented in a longer format where I know she can do some real good for the people who enroll. Shelley is the real deal and a true earth angel.
Cara Blume, events programming and production manager, Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E.

“Dr. Kaehr’s classes have far exceeded my expectations.”

I’ve been a Reiki Master since 1995. Throughout the years I’ve taken various classes that I thought would help me be able to help my clients better, and Dr. Kaehr’s classes have far exceeded my expectations. I first took her Egyptian Energy Healing and was really surprised at how much better it made me feel; I couldn’t wait to try it on clients. I continued to take other classes from her and was particularly excited about the Ancestral & Genealogical Healing classes. In class, we work on each other, and after my first regression, I can tell you that I physically watched the past get lighter. It was pretty incredible and such a profound healing for my lineage. Subsequent sessions to other timelines yielded the same results and I couldn’t be more pleased. This is one of my favorite healing modalities and I believe it needs to be taught as much as possible.
Damaris Hopewell, Reiki master

“Her class helped me have a more positive perspective in my personal life.”

Dr. Shelley Kaehr is a very down-to-earth teacher. Her genuineness made me very comfortable in class. Her Heal Your Ancestors class is a mini time-travel adventure that brings forth a deep understanding and healing of traumatic events that your ancestors experienced that might be affecting you without you knowing. Her class helped me have a more positive perspective in my personal life. I’m very grateful for that. What she teaches really works!
Maria Wirges, Andernach, Germany


About Shelley Kaehr, PhD

For over two decades, Shelley Kaehr, PhD, has worked with thousands of people around the world helping them achieve greater peace and happiness. A world-renowned past-life regressionist, Shelley’s method of combining energy work with hypnosis has been endorsed by numerous leaders in the field of consciousness, including Dr. Brian Weiss, and near-death experience pioneer Dr. Raymond Moody.

Shelley received her doctorate of philosophy in parapsychic science from American Institute of Holistic Theology in 2001. She has authored numerous books on the mind-body connection, including Heal Your Ancestors to Heal Your Life: The Transformative Power of Genealogical Regression.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
