Vicki Robin
A 7-module On-demand Audio Course

Do you find yourself rushing from one thing to another, over-booked, over-busy and over-buying just because you have no time to focus on what really matters in your life?

Yes? This course offers you a transformational roadmap for bringing your lifestyle into alignment with your deepest Self, creating a feeling of personal ease, as well as a better relationship with the planet.

The truth is that we all want to be happy, satisfied with our lives, fully alive and contributing. But does the stuff of our daily life our things, our consumption, our relationships, our commitments give us the happiness we want? When the answer is no (and it is all too often) we keep trying to adjust our stuff get more of it, get rid of it, get over it, get ahead in order to become happy.

In a culture of information overload, hyper-consumerism and uber-connected lifestyles, most of us feel a certain amount of stress in regards to our material possessions, our bodies, our livelihoods and even our relationships. Much of our creative genius our real potential is oftentimes squandered, sidelined or blocked. And it doesn’t have to be that way.

In this course, Vicki Robin, co-author of the international bestseller Your Money or Your Life and expert on sustainable living, offers you a 7-week roadmap that will teach you how to transform your relationship to money, stuff and just about everything else. Vicki is a provocative and compassionate truth-teller and way-shower, helping people see their patterns clearly and, thus, freeing themselves from stress and the things that don’t serve them.

Through short lectures, reflective exercises, coaching, lots of interaction and weekly experiments you’ll gain a new way to relate to your money, time and stuff as well as understand how much is enough of anything, what really makes you happy and how to expand your options for having what you TRULY want. You may find out that what you truly want is more or less or different from what you now believe you want. You’ll never know without looking.

You will also have fun discovering multiple strategies for having what you truly want, and feel confident about your capacity to keep having what you want well into the future.

Benefits of taking this course include:

Identify your core beliefs, feelings, and ideas about money and begin to shift them into greater alignment with your real purpose Release fears of limitation and lack that are barriers to feeling safe and abundant, regardless of the size of your bank account, the number of your possessions or your position in life Complete an inventory of “the stuff” in your life and let go of the things and commitments that are not serving you, freeing your creative energy for more satisfying activities Receive clear, easy and creative strategies for having everything you truly want Experience deeper satisfaction and joy with the things you already have Clarify your relationship commitments and understandings to reduce stress and increase joy Create more free time for pleasure, enjoyment and fulfilling your passions

From the Desk of Vicki Robin

Dear friends,

I want to help you create an amazing change in your life, so that you feel happy, whole, and fulfilled. It’s a revolution in how you relate to the world of stuff.

This change is possible even on a modest income by bringing the “things” of your life into alignment with your essence and your truest values. When you do, you lose a lot of the frenzy and stress that is typical of Western culture.

Your life will be simpler, clearer, more creative, and filled with a deeper kind of satisfaction then when you are seeking, acquiring, fixing, and managing things that don’t bring you real joy.

To make this shift requires a journey that illuminates your core beliefs, digs into ingrained behaviors, experiments with new life strategies all leading to a new psychology for yourself that is based on true prosperity and satisfaction.

When my book Your Money or Your Life (co-authored with the late Joe Dominguez) became a runaway international bestseller and even the most requested book from public libraries that year, I knew that we had put our finger on the pulse of a profound set of issues that have been sabotaging our happiness and creating lifestyles of waste that are eroding our planet.

The great news is that since becoming the go-to woman on the subject two decades ago, I’ve learned a lot about exactly how to help people make profound shifts in their lives around the world of stuff. Over the years, my teaching has gone beyond money and consumer goods and extended to include time, food, relationships and other commitments that we tend to relate to as “things.” In this course, we will deal with the “whole enchilada” the deepest patterns we have in relating to the world of stuff.

The same insights and practices can free you from unhelpful patterns in each realm. And the results are truly remarkable, freeing you to be more natural, relaxed, aligned, and creatively engaged with your purpose, with more satisfying relationships and more purposeful use of your time.

I’m really looking forward to helping you transform your entire relationship to the things of your life and liberate more of YOU for the world. The world certainly needs a liberated YOU.

Warm regards,

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks

Module 1: Money, Time and Stuff

Our first class lays the foundation for a new understanding of the world of things and how we relate to them. Benefits:

  • Experience an empowering shift around money to every realm of your finances
  • Illuminate how much time you have and how you use it
  • Identify your money personality and how it affects each area of your life

Module 2: How Much is Truly Enough?

Our second class provides clear frameworks for knowing what works and what doesn’t for you to have that deep satisfaction called "enough." Benefits:

  • Know what you really need to be happy based on your lifestyle and values
  • Understand how you create unneeded stuff in your life and shift that pattern!
  • Let go of the things that don’t serve you

Module 3: What Is Happiness and How Can You Have It?

The third class reviews the research on the inner and outer landscape of happiness, giving you a clear roadmap for aiming your life in that direction. Without this, life dries us. With clarity, everything we do or have is appetizing and easy. Benefits:

  • Discover a simple but not easy formula for happiness
  • Learn the whys (and wisdom) of happiness
  • Uncover allof your wants and then discover what you truly want

Module 4: Why Are You Here?

Our fourth class takes us deeper into the aim of your life who you want to be and what you want to do in your wildest dreams. We’ll engage in a safe yet penetrating inquiry into what you truly want at the level of meaning and purpose. Benefits:

  • Explore the facets of your purpose in life, including your goals, aims and values
  • Know what serves your highest purpose and how to have that!
  • Get what you want by knowing what to discard

Module 5: Are We Having Fun Yet?

In our fifth class we’ll go where spiritual teachings often don’t: pleasure. Enjoying ourselves provides juice for life, for change and, yes, even for service. Have you had enough of killing yourself for a cause? I know I have! Yet our work can be even more powerful when we take pleasure in it. Benefits:

  • Learn to savor the pleasure of life as it is
  • Take a break from desiring things to enjoying what you already have
  • Identify what truly brings you pleasure, recognizing that anything short of pure joy isn’t worth having

Module 6: Multiplying Your Options

By class six we are ready to play with our goals, purposes and dreams and find many resource-full ways to have everything we truly want. Possibility-storming, mind-mapping, "yes-and" games, idea-bouncing, body and journal and post-it practices, sharing-tools and many actions your mother told you not to do will be the subject and process of the class. Benefits:

  • Learn techniques, strategies, approaches, tricks & tips for multiplying your options
  • Tap into our collective genius

Module 7: Living a Life of True Abundance

A life that is abundant in everything that matters most takes courage, commitment and support. In this class we’ll complete our journey together with lifelong tools for having a healthy and THRIVING relationship with money, time, stuff and everything else in your life. Benefits:

  • Create your master life plan that includes "life-permitting" activities
  • Establish empowering support for your dreams
  • Live your life with greater balance, ease and meaning

Your Money or Your Life Bonus Collection

Transforming Your Beliefs About Money
With Dave Ellis

Dave Ellis, master leadership coach author, educator, and philanthropist. His critically acclaimed book Becoming a Master Student, currently in its thirteenth edition, is the best-selling college textbook in America.

In this Bonus Workshop, you’ll learn from one of the world’s top coaches the principles for how to make deep and lasting changes to your beliefs around money, which you can apply to transforming your lifestyle. Benefits include:

  • Learning the keys to behavior change and shifting beliefs
  • How to shift to a mindset of abundance
  • Practices that you can apply to transforming any area of your life

Living in Alignment with Your Values
With Alisa Gravitz

Alisa Gravitz, President of Green America, the largest clearinghouse for sustainable living in the world.

In this Bonus Workshop, you’ll learn how to bring your lifestyle choices into complete alignment with your values. Alisa will share remarkable tips and strategies that can save you money, streamline your life, and open up new possibilities. Benefits include:

  • How to go green without going broke
  • Using your social networks for collaborative consumption: meeting everyone’s needs together
  • Specific strategies for clothing, food, transportation, gifting and fun that save money (and the earth)

Transforming Your Understanding of the Economy
With Bernard Lietaer

Bernard Lietaer, co-designer of the Euro, author of The Future of Money, and one of the most respected experts on money in the world.

In this Bonus Workshop, you’ll receive a much broader understanding of how the economy really works, where it is unhealthy, and how we can create real changes in our world. This will be a more big-picture and panoramic class with one of the world’s top experts. Benefits include:

  • See the history and nature of money from a 5000 year vantage point
  • Understand why diversity is the key missing ingredient in our money system and how to change that
  • Break the spell of "money" by learning about the 5000 global experiments in complementary currencies

What People Say About Vicki's Work

"My friendship with Vicki and her ideas of financial independence and conscious consumption changed my life, liberated me from the money chase and unleashed my courage and creativity."
David Korten, economist & author of When Corporations Rule the World

"This is just the book we need now to free ourselves from fear and to liberate our real energies... Robin is our savvy, compassionate guide."
Francis Moore Lappe, author, Diet for a Small Planet

Vicki Robin entered my life at exactly the right time. After decades of striving for achievement and accumulation, I was searching for more meaning. Vicki taught me that the key to "more" is actually "less." Doing less, consuming less, worrying less. Finding the quiet place that represents "enough" for me. What I love about Vicki is not only does she walk her talk, she’s also realistic about the challenge of change. She recommends small steps that feel right for you. She won’t ask you to completely transform your life, although you may just find that you do!

I took the course with Vicki because I kept saying I wanted balance in my life and I couldn’t figure out how to make it happen. By tracking my time and money while pondering her encouraging words, I came to see exactly where I was leaking time, energy and money and made pretty radical but simple changes almost spontaneously. I now have balance and my debt is slowly being paid off. I spend time with people I care about, take care of myself well, and I focus my work energy towards goals that are really in alignment with my purpose. Vicki is encouraging, practical and validating. We all have enough inner critic about our finances or out of control lives. She helped me figure out how to create balance and alignment in my life without guilt or shame.
Kay Taylor

Setting my spending and use of time to align with my values has been powerful and freeing, as has living a debt-free life.Vicki gets to the heart of what is ultimately important...how we choose to use our life energy. Thank you, Vicki.
Jan Johnson, Trenton , ME

Vicki’s presence was a weekly comfort to me as I gently examined my life and it’s many facets. I was able to make the changes that I most needed to, because of her refreshing guidance. As a result, my time is cherished (and protected) more than ever.
Suzanne K. , California

Vicki brings fun and creates a safe atmosphere where participants in her course can reveal themselves without fear of being judged. No shame, no blame.
Dr. Dexter Nardella , Indianapolis, IN

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-minute Class Sessions With Vicki

Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with Vicki Robin from the comfort of your own home. Unlimited access to recordings of all class sessions (listen online or download the mp3 file to computer).

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

After each module, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practice new tools and answer questions to accelerate your learning and integrate the teachings from each module.

Your Money or Your Life Bonus Collection

  • Transforming Your Beliefs About Money
    With Dave Ellis
  • Living in Alignment with Your Values
    With Alisa Gravitz
  • Transforming Your Understanding of the Economy
    With Bernard Lietaer
2 Payments of
1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Your Mondy or Your Life or don’t feel that it meets your needs please contact our friendly Support Team within 14 days of your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.

About Vicki Robin

Vicki Robin is the coauthor of the international best seller, Your Money or Your Life (5 years on the Business Week list) and is a leading voice for sustainable consumption. She was featured as one of 61 Visionaries by Utne Magazine, named the “prophet of consumption downsizers” by the NY Times, has received awards from Sustainable Northwest and Green America, and has appeared regularly for 20 years in the media including Oprah Winfrey show, NPR and PBS specials as well as over 1000 other media stories. She is a member of a community choir and an improvisational theater troupe on Whidbey Island Washington.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there is something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to a problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

Your Money or Your Life
Vicki Robin