Trupti Gokani, MD
Discover your Ayurvedic gut type, and specific foods to use as medicine to boost immunity, prevent and heal disease, and maintain your overall wellness.
Do you suffer from stomach upsets, sleeplessness, mood swings, or other discomforts?
Maybe you’re dealing with a more serious health challenge... a neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s disease, or with diabetes, or heart disease.
Or perhaps you have an autoimmune issue... a thyroid imbalance or arthritis? Fibromyalgia? Depression? Or food allergies?
When you’re experiencing dis-ease, one of the most important places to check for imbalance is your gut.
A healthy gut is the key to a strong and healthy immune system — and you.
When your microbiome — the good and bad bacteria in your gut — is out of balance and you’re experiencing digestive and other health issues, you’re receiving a “friendly warning.”
To decode the many signs your body is sending your way, it’s time to look to and support your gut health.
In this powerful 7-module journey, you’ll explore the three gut types (vata, pitta, kapha), take a quiz to discover which one is yours, and discover how to start eating for your type.
You’ll also find out whether your gut-type energy also shows signs of being restless, irritable, fired-up, withdrawn, or earthy...
As you’ll discover, the right herbs, spices, and teas that can help heal your gut, according to your type.
You’ll call on both ancient wisdom and today’s leading-edge scientific findings to bring your system back into harmony.
Along the way you’ll utilize food as medicine — and come to understand the signals your body has been sending you...
Receive Guidance From a Renowned Neurologist & Author
Trupti Gokani, MD, is passionate about spreading the message that true health and wellbeing is not just about what you eat — it’s about how you relate to your gut.
Your gut health affects every part of your health… including your brain, immune system, heart, hormones, skin, and more. In fact, the gut is believed to be the origin of most diseases that impact both mind and body.
And the nature of the foods you choose can even throw your subtle energy body out of alignment.
Your enteric nervous system (or gut-brain) plays a big part in keeping your entire system in check, providing biochemical signaling that takes place between your gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.
It cries out for help in many ways, be it leaky gut (a permeation of the intestinal wall that’s of epidemic proportions), irritable bowel syndrome (a condition suffered by 20% of the population), gluten intolerance, reflux, food allergies, and more.
Yet, as you’re undoubtedly aware, it isn’t easy to know where to start when addressing gut issues...
Trupti is an award-winning, board-certified neurologist who has dedicated her life to developing a unique blend of modern medicine and ancient philosophy. She specializes in holistic wellness strategies and has helped hundreds address a wide range of symptoms — from debilitating migraines to chronic fatigue.
And during this powerful training with Trupti, you’ll explore an Ayurvedic approach to choosing and enjoying foods specific to your unique gut type and overall personality.
During this 7-module, health-boosting video program, you’ll discover:
- Why most people have no idea what constitutes a healthy gut — and have likely never experienced it
- The gut-brain connection and its crucial link to your overall wellbeing
- Your unique gut type — and why this information helps you choose the right foods and supplements
- How to interpret the meaning behind your food intolerances
- Tips for a balanced microbiome and healthy digestion
- Hidden gut-health disruptors that could be skewing your mood and stealing your sleep
- The role of medications in restoring and sustaining gut health
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
- A simple, ancient tool to help you reset your digestion starting today
- Diseases that are in the early stages of being linked to gut-health issues
- The most effective herbals, teas, and supplements to balance your digestion
- How to use foods, lifestyle adjustments, breathing techniques, and more — to optimize your emotional health and gut function for years to come
- Quizzes along the way to assess your newfound gut-health knowledge and help you track your health improvements
Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old approach to healing from India that uses food as medicine — and Trupti has updated it for modern times to show you how to mindfully select foods and better enjoy your meals by making choices that can boost your health, prevent or manage disease, and help you maintain overall wellness.
When you learn how to eat for your unique gut type, you learn to align and live with your body’s optimal wellbeing in mind. You can actually choose the right foods to balance and resolve an uncomfortable or unhealthy state.
You’ll learn how to address simple to serious health imbalances — from sleep issues to medication side effects to food allergies to autoimmune diseases to neurological disorders and more — by eating according to your unique gut type and using food as medicine... for a healthier, happier, more balanced life.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
This 7-part transformational intensive is for anyone who’s ready to take their health and wellbeing to the next level — whether you’ve had overt symptoms or you merely recognize the good science behind this holistic approach to your health and wellbeing.
Trupti will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills you’ll need to boost your immunity, improve your sleep, and reset your digestive system for total wellbeing.
This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Trupti. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need boost your immunity, improve sleep, and address food sensitivities — for total wellbeing.
Module 1: Understanding Your Gut — What Is Healthy Digestion?
In this opening module, Trupti will share the foundational principles you’ll need to get grounded in the study of gut health and science-backed principles to boost your digestion and wellbeing.
In this first module, you’ll discover:
- Why most people have no idea what constitutes a healthy gut — and have likely never experienced it
- The real meaning of healthy digestion
- Signs your gut is out of alignment
- How stress can impact your gut (and why all disease starts in the gut)
- The characteristics of a truly healthy gut
- The microbiome and its importance in brain health
- The “second brain,” the enteric nervous system, and why it's so important
- Why most people have no idea what constitutes a healthy gut — and have likely never experienced it
- Often-overlooked tools and tips to understand what true gut health is all about, and how it impacts your greater sense of wellbeing
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
- A closing quiz to assess your gut function and get you to the right starting point for addressing imbalance
Module 2: Exploring the 3 Gut Types (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) — And Uncovering Yours
In this module, you’ll focus on understanding YOUR gut type based on the doshas, ancient Ayurvedic characteristics.
As Trupti will share, many seemingly mysterious health ailments begin to make sense when you finally understand yourself in terms of your gut type…
… and once you know what it is, you can then use foods, herbs, spices, and lifestyle techniques to create balance within your gut and transform your wellbeing.
In this session, you’ll discover:
- The ancient model of Ayurveda for understanding mind and body
- Traits of the restless gut-type energy
- Signs you have an irritable fired-up gut-type energy
- Characteristics of a withdrawn gut-type energy
- What is means to have an earthy gut-type energy
- How each gut type presents with symptoms
- The concept of agni and its role in gut-brain health
- How what you eat may be triggering gut imbalance, even if it’s “healthy”
- How to reach the goal of a fully balanced gut, now that you know your gut type
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
- A quiz to connect everything you’ve learned as you bring this new wisdom into your daily life
Module 3: Uncovering What Your Gut Is Telling You — Food Intolerances, Medication Side Effects, Leaky Gut Syndrome, SIBO, Candida, Gastroparesis & GERD
In this module, you’ll explore digestive dysfunctions, and understand what you can do when you have a diagnosis (and even when you don’t). You’ll find out what it really means to have a food intolerance and how to strengthen your gut based on your type. Most empoweringly, you’ll discover often-overlooked strategies for bringing foods you’ve been intolerant to back into your diet.
First, though, Trupti will debunk the myths that are so rampant around gut health and food issues...
Along the way, you’ll discover:
- What food intolerances really are, and how they develop
- How to interpret the meaning behind your food intolerances
- Why 20% of people struggle with the number-one gut issue, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- How to improve your reaction to foods and start bringing them back into your diet without symptoms
- Trupti’s favorite ways to test for food intolerances
- SIBO, the often-forgotten cause of gut issues
- How to understand leaky gut from an Ayurvedic perspective
- The risks of gastroparesis and disease
- The appropriate use of medications — and the truth about their gut effects
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
Module 4: Exploring Sleep, Mood & Neurological Disorders
Trupti will walk you through powerful emerging medical research so you can understand how gut issues play a role in everything from major neurological issues to common conditions like anxiety and insomnia.
Unfortunately, a new case of Alzheimer's is being diagnosed every 65 seconds. Conditions like Parkinson’s and stroke are on the rise as well. One-third of adults have difficulty sleeping. And as the medical community dives deeper than ever into figuring out the causes of these issues, emerging research is showing that it all starts in the gut...
In this module, you’ll discover:
- The concept of adrenal fatigue — and how it’s linked to disease and gut function
- The stages of adrenal imbalance
- How the gut relates to many issues that seem unrelated at first, including insomnia, mood issues, and more
- Diseases that are in the early stages of being linked to gut-health issues
- The role of gut-mind health in Parkinson’s disease, MS, migraines, Alzheimer’s disease, and more
- The clues your gut is giving you now — years before disease occurs
- How to improve current symptoms with the help of the latest gut-health science
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
Module 5: Using Food as Medicine & Eating for Your Type
You’ll explore exactly how food can be the medicine you need to heal your gut-health issues. Specific foods, spices, teas, recipes, and action steps for your gut type are the focus — so you can effectively prevent or manage disease and bring your health into greater harmony.
You’ll discover:
- The right herbs and spices to help heal your gut, according to your type
- The 6 specific tastes you encounter every day — and how to use them to enhance your digestive power
- How to use herbals to improve your digestive enzymes
- The ways to tell when your microbiome — the good and bad bacteria in your gut — is out of balance
- What negative reactions to food mean in terms of health conditions (and why you should view discomfort as a “friendly warning”)
- The truth behind popular diets — raw, vegan, paleo, ketogenic, and intermittent fasting — and how they compare to the ancient wisdom of the Ayurvedic diet
- How to create a healthy new microbiome
- Recipes for creating and maintaining a balanced gut
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
Module 6: Natural Supplements for Optimal Gut Health
You’ll discover powerful supplements, herbal remedies, and teas to balance out your gut. You’ll explore several safe and easy-to-use botanicals that give consistent benefits — for addressing both mild transient symptoms and chronic illness.
You’ll explore:
- Key herbals and nutrients to support your gut health
- Trupti’s favorite aromatic herbals that patients find effective for rebuilding intestinal wellbeing
- Teas for balancing your gut type (and the teas to avoid that imbalance gut function)
- Important lifestyle tips to keep your gut healthy for years to come
- Three essential recipes to balance all gut types
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
Module 7: The Emotional Body, Stress & Your Gut Health
As you wrap up your time with Trupti, you’ll explore the negative gut-health outcomes that can occur even when you ARE eating well, using the right spices, and changing your lifestyle for the better…
... but your negative mental programming (unintentionally) stays intact.
As Trupti puts it, your emotional health is the final piece of your wellbeing, and this closing module will be a deep dive into how you can optimize it...
You’ll discover:
- Methods for programming your thoughts to prevent your mental stress from impacting your gut health
- How the mind and emotional body express imbalance, according to Ayurveda
- Practices to bring positive thoughts into your daily routine
- How to ensure your mind and body are in alignment
- Why your emotional body is the essential part of your wellbeing that ties together everything you’ve learned in this program
- The wisdom about emotional health Trupti has developed over the years to reverse disease and improve your overall health
- Answers to your questions about your gut health
- How to integrate foods, lifestyle adjustments, breathing techniques, and more — to optimize your emotional health and gut-health function for years to come
The Gut-Health Reboot Course Bonus Collection
In addition to Trupti’s transformative 7-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions complement the course and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.
Gut-Brain Connection: How Plant-Based Diet & Spices Can Be Used to Sharpen the Brain
Audio Dialogue With Dr. Trupti Gokani and David Crow
Join Trupti and plant medicine pioneer David Crow as they discuss the enteric nervous system of the gut (also known as the "second brain”) and how it’s integral to maintaining brain health.
You’ll discover:
- The 3 gut types, and which foods are in harmony with each one
- How to use everyday spices, in conjunction with a plant-based diet, to balance the gut
- How maintaining gut health sharpens the brain
Identifying With Your Pain Type: Why Do We Have Cycles of Pain & Suffering?
Audio Dialogue With Dr. Trupti Gokani and Dr. Robyn Benson
In her 15 years of experience with migraine patients, Trupti has used a blend of Eastern and Western medicine to achieve optimal results. Join her as she helps you identify your unique pain mind/body type. She'll delve into the specific foods, exercise, careers, and more that can help keep your pain in balance. She'll also discuss the key nutrients to balance your pain.
With this hope-filled dialogue, you'll discover:
- That you have a pain type based on Eastern medicine principles
- How to use nutrients to balance your pain
- An understanding of how your gut can activate your pain — and ways to balance both
What People Are Saying About Trupti Gokani...
“With Trupti Gokani’s guidance and easy to follow instructions, I was able to transform my entire life in a month.”
“Dr. Gokani is a gift to headache sufferers, as well as those with other chronic conditions.”
“... helped me understand the relationship between my gut, my migraines and the other symptoms I was having and how they were all intertwined.”
“...improved my sleep quality 100% and lessened my headaches to about one mild headache per month, down from 2-4 per month.”
“ system became more resilient and I had an improved threshold for pain.”
I have been suffering from chronic migraines for over 20 years. I signed up for Trupti Gokani’s coaching program and greatly benefited from it. As I did the work over the 10 weeks and followed her supplement protocols, my system became more resilient and I had an improved threshold for pain.
I found that I was less triggerable and weather induced migraines did not affect me as much. I would highly recommend her coaching program to anyone who is seeking to live a more complete life with less pain.
— David Farley
“I love her energy, her spirit and the way she helps people!”
“I would encourage... to seek her expertise in finding solutions for living a life without pain.”
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Trupti Gokani
Experience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with award-winning, board-certified neurologist, and author Trupti Gokani — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to discover your unique gut type, and specific foods to use as ‘medicine’ to boost your health, prevent or manage disease, and maintain overall wellness.
Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions
In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Gut-Health Reboot Course Bonus Collection
- Gut-Brain Connection: How Plant-Based Diet & Spices Can Be Used to Sharpen the Brain
Audio Dialogue With Dr. Trupti Gokani and David Crow - Identifying With Your Pain Type: Why Do We Have Cycles of Pain & Suffering?
Audio Dialogue With Dr. Trupti Gokani and Dr. Robyn Benson
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join The Gut-Health Reboot Course Virtual Training
We feel honored that Trupti Gokani has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from an award-winning, board-certified neurologist, and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about transforming your relationship into a crucible that heals and awakens, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Gut-Health Reboot Course with Trupti Gokani — or don’t feel that it meets your needs — please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue you a refund.
About Trupti Gokani
Trupti Gokani, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified neurologist who has dedicated her life to developing a unique blend of modern medicine and ancient philosophy. By melding these approaches, she’s become a highly sought-after speaker and health coach, sharing holistic wellness strategies with larger-than-life media personalities like Dr. Oz, global pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer, and individuals presenting a wide range of symptoms, from debilitating migraines to chronic fatigue.
She’s best known by those on Chicago’s North Shore for her revolutionary integrative approach to treating headache pain. The Zira Mind & Body Clinic’s patients swear by her unique methodology, which focuses on healing the head by identifying the disconnect between the mind and the body. Through her speaking and media engagements, Dr. Gokani helps people understand the “purpose” of their pain and how to heal themselves through a deeper appreciation of the mind-body-spirit connection.
Dr. Gokani earned her medical degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she also completed her training in neurology, was Chief Resident, and pursued additional post-doctoral training and certification as a Master Clinical Psychopharmacologist. She has continued to educate herself for the benefit of her patients, gaining experience and credentials in Ayurvedic medicine, clinical psychopharmacology, and transcendental meditation. She has also pursued training in Functional Medicine. She is certified by the American Board of Neurology & Psychiatry, and is licensed to practice in Illinois and California.
She has also lectured extensively in the fields of neurology and psychiatry, specifically regarding headaches, mood disorders, insomnia, adrenal fatigue, hormonal issues, and adult attention deficit disorder (ADD). She has spoken at the American Headache Society, the Midwest Pain Society, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Psychiatric Society.
Her work — on topics ranging from Botox efficacy and safety, to the prevalence of bipolar disorder in cluster headache patients — has been published in esteemed journals such as the American Journal of Pain Management. She has also published abstracts pertaining to food allergies and headaches, along with the Ayurvedic approach to migraine, in the well-regarded Journal of Headache. She studied the prevalence of adrenal fatigue in her practice and presented her work at the Academy of Pain Annual Symposium.
Dr. Gokani recently published her first book, The Mysterious Mind, and is currently contributing to a health documentary on Ayurveda.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. If there’s more than one person in your household taking the course, you’ll each need your own connection. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event, where you can ask questions and deepen your exploration of the course themes.
There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.
“I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever...”
I had never participated before in an online course. The packaging, presentation, inclusion, and Facebook postings created a wonderful, safe cocoon within which to participate. I’ve never seen a course so well put together ever — not in all the years of taking college classes — and I had my doubts about doing an online course. The wealth of organization and ease of learning materials and support made this fun as well.
— Claudia F., Medford, Massachusetts
Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings and transcripts of all course sessions from our online media archive, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can also engage the full community and leaders on our private online community group.
Q: Can you tell me about the private online community group?
A: We’ll have a private online community group for all course participants that will support you in making connections with others, sharing insights, engaging in discussions, and completing homework assignments that can supplement your transformational journey. You’ll have the ability to share your experiences, projects, and growth throughout the course.
Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please review our guidelines, which include a link to our online application form.
Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a full refund is February 27, 2020. To request a refund, please click on this refund request form and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)
Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at, and we’ll be happy to help!
Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.