With Renowned Author, Priestess & Unconventional Initiator
Ariel Spilsbury
A 7-module On-Demand Video Training

Explore how to shed millennia of masculine conditioning & rediscover the depths, magic, and sacred irreverence of the Divine Feminine to empower yourself and shift our world.


Do you believe it’s possible that our world would be in better shape if the Feminine was in charge?

That today’s global and national crises are in part a result of systems designed and continually reinforced by the Masculine?

Now more than ever, it’s time for the Feminine to take her rightful and empowered place in the world and in the tapestry of your life.

You can help dismantle and rebalance the polarizing masculine energies by awakening and rebalancing yourself and our planet with the beauty and power of the Divine Feminine.

How do you ignite the awakening process?

Join us for a powerful new 7-part video program with Ariel Spilsbury one of our time’s foremost initiators into the mysteries of the Divine Feminine where she’ll show you how to shed millennia of conditioning... 

… and rediscover the depths, magic, and sacred irreverence of the Goddess.

Throughout history, most people have sought spiritual growth through practices created by and geared toward masculine consciousness and bodies. Truly feminine forms of worship, awakening, and transformation were marginalized at best and often violently persecuted. 

We’re currently at a crossroads that most of us have never experienced in our lifetimes. This is the moment to reclaim the full spectrum of your divinity and embody your wholeness so you can unearth and manifest your natural gifts.

It takes deprogramming ourselves, dissolving old constructs, and opening to something fundamentally new. And, with Ariel as your guide, you’ll discover a new way to work with the shadow your perceived “flaws” and blocks that appear to be holding you back from true spiritual alignment.

You’ll discover how to alchemize your full being by working with the feminine archetypes, including the Great Mother, the Initiator, the Muse, the Wise Woman, the Witness, and more.

The Process of Alchemy to Embody the Fullness of the Feminine 

Systems, people, relationships… so many fundamental aspects of our existence are in a dissolution process right now, and we’re facing an uncertain outcome. As a collective we’re in an initiation right now. And, there is a new, alternative way to emerge from the current upheaval.

Rather than using the masculine way of working with psychology as a means to get at, work through, and dissolve patterns that have been embedded in our consciousness, Ariel will show you how to work with archetypes the many faces of the Goddess, each of which represents a potent force of consciousness.

When you’re in an archetypal field, you begin to see yourself as the multilayered, nuanced, powerful being that you are. Your perception expands and your energy shifts at a core level.

Over the seven nurturing and transformative sessions of her course, Ariel will lead you through an alchemical journey… a process of breaking down in order to resynthesize at a higher order.

She’ll invite you through gateways designed to help you illuminate your shadows and open you up to the full embodiment of the Universe in the vessel of your body. She’ll forge the path as she shows you how feminine embodiment spans the spectrum from compassion to ferocity, from the utter ridiculousness to the Womb of Silence. 

You’ll learn to expand your range with this training into the fullness of who you are.

Feminine Alchemy is ultimately about turning yourself into an alchemical chalice in which the vast, undisciplined, wild energies of your being can swirl and create something wholly new and beautiful your divine, soulful, utterly free self.

Ariel will guide you through more feminine-oriented practices, exercises, and meditations. And, in the process, you’ll feel your frequency rise as you open to being a channel through which divine light flows.

And when you channel divine light, your high vibration radiates out into the world, and people start to feel that energy moving through them!

It’s not an easy process, however. As you step into this brighter way of being, you’ll run into your shadows the apparent obstacles standing in your way (whether they’re seen or they only exist in your subconscious).

While the masculine wants to fix “flaws,” the feminine approach is to accept your shadow, befriend your shadow... and even love your shadow self into wholeness.


In this deeply transformative 7-part video course with Ariel, you’ll:

  • Explore the results of your 13 Moon Archetypal Quiz to determine which primary feminine archetype you embody
  • Work on freeing yourself from the density and gravity of denial, fear, and lack of love which keep your frequency low
  • Start manifesting your projects, visions, and dreams using the moon as a creational compass
  • Have direct experience of accessing the sacred Witness within... the part of you that’s impartial, nonreactive, compassionate, and full of unconditional love
  • Learn a new way to work with the shadows and reactive behavior that appear to be holding you back from true spiritual alignment 
  • Be guided to walk through the 6 stages of Joseph Campbell’s classic Hero/Heroine's Journey
  • Work with obstructions and blocks through archetypes rather than psychology
  • Learn to work with dreams, intuition, divination, crystals, and more in conjunction with the lunar wisdom of the archetype of the Priestess
  • Experience a meditation to help you enter directly into a Priest/ess temple... to retrieve symbols for your soul’s journey
  • Start to free up your creative expression with nonlinear, holographically delightful play
  • And more…

Ariel renowned author, priestess, unconventional initiator, and creator of the 13 Moon Mystery School will launch you on your journey to balance the masculine and feminine parts of your spiritual self and raise your alchemical frequency as you connect with your inner radiance.

Join us! If you’re ready to shake off patriarchal spiritual practices and dive into the deep, multidimensional core of your being, gather with a community of human goddesses and start walking the path. 

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-step transformational intensive, Ariel will guide you through the fundamental steps to help balance our culture’s default masculine teachings with a feminine sensibility… so you can feel brighter, freer to express who you are, and more tuned in to your gifts.

This course will feature teachings, training sessions, and experiential practices with Ariel. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to stand in your power and share your spiritual gifts in service to the transformation of our world.


Module 1: Entering the Womb of Silence Emptying Yourself (July 30)


In both subtle and overt ways, masculine spiritual traditions are often built on practices of “doing.” In response, the deep feminine has been reemerging... with a completely different orientation toward spirituality. Ariel calls it Empty Presence, which can lead to coherence, resonance, and an opening of the channels of deeper perception. 

In the first session of this course, you’ll explore:

  • How feminine-focused meditation differs from the masculine
  • The power of coherence and resonance as a gateway into luminous Empty Presence
  • The practice of open-eyed meditation to enter the Womb of Silence and learn to speak from Essence
  • How to shift from the ego/mind into the mystery to contact the archetypal field and access the Great Mother archetype
  • Ways to identify and expand your primary channel of perception

Module 2: Raising Your Vibration Through Alchemy & Archetypes (August 6)


In this second module, you’ll dive into the Lightning Path working with archetypes and alchemy together. Ariel describes alchemy at the simplest level as the raising of your vibration. She’ll guide you to lift your frequency into a more expanded version of yourself... and to discover how you can impact the collective mind-field of Earth using the archetypal interface. 

You’ll learn how to:

  • Raise your vibration by opening to archetypes
  • Access the inner masculine (Animus) and inner feminine (Anima) archetypes
  • Free yourself from the density and gravity of denial, fear, and lack of love which keep your frequency low
  • Understand archetypes as larger, mythic containers of consciousness looking at the results of your 13 Moon Archetypal Quiz to determine your primary feminine archetype 
  • Enact the inner marriage of Hieros Gamos... rebalancing the male and female archetypes within you
  • Determine what your primary channel of sensory perception is
  • Connect with the feminine archetype of Artemis to look at sovereignty... and access these archetypal energies and patternings

Module 3: Mining for the Gold of Consciousness in the Shadow (August 13)


The shadow is a subject of long and deep inquiry in psychology and many mystical traditions. Working with the shadow in the path of Feminine Alchemy is quite different from working with it psychologically. In this class, you’ll start to bring your shadow forward from the unconscious and into the light of your conscious awareness without trying to fix or change your ingrained patterns.

You’ll also learn how to access the feminine archetype of the Initiator to release the emotional wounding and reactions that are connected to apparent “imperfections” and “flaws.”

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The difference between the therapeutic process and alchemical and archetypal transformation
  • How to shift from blaming others which keeps your frequency low  to lifting your vibration by fully owning your shadow and speaking your truth
  • That you can stand in your power as a feminine being and speak your truth with others from an archetypal orientation, rather than from your personality
  • A direct experience of accessing the sacred Witness within... the part of you that’s impartial, nonreactive, compassionate, and full of unconditional love
  • Techniques for working with shadow and reactive behavior from the point of view of the ego/mind
  • The essential difference between judgment and recognition

Module 4: Harnessing Holograms, Fractals & Synchronicity to Investigate Reality (August 20)


Reality has a highly symbolic nature which means that to fully investigate it we need tools that go beyond simple logic. Feminine Alchemy is particularly adept at using feeling, intuition, divination, and inner guidance to receive a more multi-dimensional understanding of reality.

Ariel will guide you as you explore:

  • How holograms, fractals, and synchronicity open up new pathways for direct knowing
  • A meditation to help you access implicate and explicate reality (particle or wave expression/formation)
  • Ways to create from the quantum realms through intention/attention
  • Meditation to expand your consciousness into Universal Awareness
  • A direct somatic meditation and experience of transmuting and catalyzing divine alchemical gold light
  • Skills to understand larger pattern recognition… a major key to entering more expanded states of consciousness

Module 5: Reclaiming Your Relationship With the Moon as a Creational Compass (August 27)


There’s a deep link in consciousness that frees your right-brained feminine wisdom and allows you to create in natural, harmonious ways. It’s no accident that your moon cycles track with the lunar cycles there are many levels to the relationship between the feminine and the moon… and they can aid you along your path.

In this session, you’ll:

  • Access more right-brained feminine wisdom
  • Start manifesting your projects, visions, and dreams using the moon as a creational compass
  • Use the 13 Moon Oracle moon wheel to get reattuned to your primary tool for graceful manifestation
  • Deepen your awareness of symbols as access points to a greater reality
  • Learn to work with dreams, intuition, divination, crystals, and more in conjunction with the lunar wisdom of the feminine archetype of the Priestess
  • Experience a meditation to help you enter directly into a Priest/ess temple... to retrieve symbols for your soul’s journey

Module 6: Activating the Heroine’s Journey in Your Life (September 3)


What’s the bigger story calling you toward the life you dream of? How do you move out of the small ego/mind’s hamster wheel story and into the larger unlimited, open road the mythic story of your life?

In this class, you’ll dive deep into an assessment of your natural gifts, tools, powers, and challenges in this lifetime so you can map out your path for growth. And you’ll learn which archetypes can help you most in your evolutionary journey.

In this module, you’ll:

  • Learn exercises to help you discover which mythic archetypes you most embody
  • Discover how to enter into a more mythic state of being
  • Investigate practices and tools for living a mythic life, with the Heroine’s Checklist
  • Be guided to walk through the 6 stages of Joseph Campbell’s classic Hero/Heroine’s Journey
  • Experience a meditation leading you on a Heroine’s Journey
  • Work with the feminine archetype of the Weaver/Dreamer to access the expanded mythic codings of your soul/psyche

Module 7: Liberation From Grey Predictability Through Humor & the Fool (September 10)


Perhaps more than anything, the essence of Feminine Alchemy is found in humor the ultimate hallmark of higher consciousness. It’s time to dismantle the masculine-driven enculturation that can feel overly serious or rigid... and start bringing more laughter, playfulness, and joy into your journey! Put on your silly fool’s hat for this one. 

In this final module of Ariel’s course, you’ll:

  • Discover what Crazy Wisdom is as a lineage
  • Start to free up your creative expression with nonlinear, holographically delightful play
  • Use the feminine archetypes of the Muse and the Wise Woman to open you to experience JOY in your life
  • Find liberation from the boredom of grey predictability and invite in the novelty of full-spectrum expression
  • Laugh your way to freedom

The Feminine Alchemy Bonus Collection

In addition to Ariel’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.


Chaos or Collective Alchemy
Video Teaching From Ariel Spilsbury

As a collective, humanity can view what’s happening in the world today either as chaos or as an opportunity to awaken, to do our inner shadow projection work, and to reflect our much-needed transformation through our actions in the outside world. We’re currently engaged in the stage of alchemical transformation called The Dark Night of the Soul. Our comfort in old structures and patterns is being stripped... and we’re forced to look at our complicity in maintaining destructive patterns within ourselves and the collective. This video looks at the seven stages of alchemy as an ancient and wise map to navigate the intensity of these times.

Note: With our thanks, this material has been synthesized from Dr. Theresa Bullard’s Mystery Teachings on Gaia.com.


Embodying Your Mythic Story
Audio Recording With Ariel Spilsbury and Elayne Kalila Doughty

In this dialogue, Ariel carries forward some mystery school teachings and practices that have ancient roots…  and have been adapted to meet the needs of modern women. In this special session, you’ll connect with the initiatory power of these ancient mysteries in a new way a way that doesn’t require you to travel great distances, yet takes you on a fully embodied journey. As you’ll see, the lineage of Ariel’s 13 Moon Mystery School is rooted in her remembrance of the Avalon Mystery School.


The Priestess Package
Ebook and 2 Guided Audio Meditations From Ariel Spilsbury

This powerful multimedia package is designed to support your inner Priestess. It includes:

  • Guidebook for a Modern Priestess: How to Hold Resonance and Empty Presence
  • Journey to the Great Mother Guided Meditation
  • Journey to the Temple of the Priestess Guided Meditation

Filled with powerful insights and practices, the ebook takes you on a deep dive into what it takes to walk through the world as a priestess every day.

The guided meditations are truly vibrational transmissions from the archetypal energies of the Divine Mother and the Priestess. You may want to prepare yourself prior to receiving these transmissions by doing your own meditation, prayer, or yoga… so you can experience the transmissions (and the shifts that happen within you) in a more visceral way and with an open heart. You’ll have a direct experience of the Divine within you. As Jung said, “Those who speak in the voice of the archetype, speak as with a thousand voices!”


What Graduates of Ariel’s Courses Are Saying…

“Working with Ariel has created many of the most life-altering shifts…”

Working with Ariel has created many of the most life-altering shifts I’ve ever experienced. The alchemical transformation that has occurred in sessions with her is exponentially beyond what I’ve accomplished in decades of therapy. (It actually seems absurd to hold Ariel’s work and therapy in comparison to each other.) I have never met another being with such a direct line to the quintessential essence of what is called for in a situation, while simultaneously holding you in an unequivocally loving container.
Sharon Eisenhaur

“… I am moving beyond problems I’ve struggled with my whole life…”

The experience of creating an alchemical container and using it to dissolve shadow and reactive issues has been very powerful. Using my experience from this Feminine Alchemy course, I am moving beyond problems I’ve struggled with my whole life, especially emotional reactivity! I gained more insight into myself. I had a greatly increased understanding of this realm and its connections to the spiritual world beyond it. I learned new tools to access the spiritual world and my power. Thank you for this wonderful growth experience.

“… the piece I was missing to truly start tapping into female archetypal energies…”

I feel like Ariel’s work is the piece I was missing to truly start tapping into female archetypal energies in connection with the moon cycles. It's absolutely amazing! I was struggling to find anything like this, then the Universe put Ariel and the 13 Moon Oracle in my path!”
Francesca Bruno

“Ariel is like the human equivalent of a Mother Tree in a forest…”

Ariel is like the human equivalent of a Mother Tree in a forest… listening, receiving, and passing along exactly what is needed for the health of the forest and serving as a foundational container to hold their larger network. If you are ready to travel… within yourself, you will find no better traveling companion than Ariel… Whatever is accessed and uncovered is lovingly looked at and held. Ariel places an extraordinary level of care and attention on this process and her integrity is inherent in her wholeness… You will be embraced with unconditional love and it is a true gift to be one of the trees of humanity that is nurtured and supported by so loving a Mother Tree. If you feel called to work with Ariel, then jump in as joyously as she does.
Leslie Glaser

“... transformation in which many of the limiting beliefs and aspects of my small self fell away”

My work with Ariel has been one of the sweetest, most subtle and simultaneously profound experiences of my life. It has provided a structure of transformation in which many of the limiting beliefs and aspects of my small self fell away and a new and far more wondrous and powerful version of Self emerged.
Rosanna Ferrera

“… a container that I, as a woman, needed to feel safe enough to heal.”

My experience in the Priestess training with Ariel was something that I had been calling for in my heart for so long but had almost given up on actually finding. The sacred space that is held in this training to explore not only the Goddess in the light but the shadows of her as well, is a container that I, as a woman, needed to feel safe enough to heal. Ariel is the teacher I hold in the highest regard living on this Earth.
Moriah Day

“... feeling TRULY seen in a way never before experienced.”

I had never been in a container of such safety and freedom, feeling TRULY seen in a way never before experienced. This work is a multilayered, transdimensional tapestry of myth, psychospiritual initiation, artistic exploration, and profound nurturing. Its richness and depth are on the cutting edge of transformational work and are available and palpable to women of all backgrounds and orientations. It is especially powerful for women who have not felt fully fed by the existing spiritual models, who are wanting to authentically connect to and embody their Sacred Feminine core.
Samantha Bonavia

“l feel more of who I am and can express that to the world”

The fruits of Ariel’s archetypal mentoring in the 13 Moon Ordination were nothing short of astonishing! With clarity of perception and love, she guided me to the core archetypal patterns that were sourcing my current life experience. This has sparked a deep and profound healing. Working with her has brought me expanded awareness, greater self-knowledge and courage, clearer vision, and compassion. l feel more of who I am and can express that to the world through my joy and service. I cannot say enough about the rewards of this archetypal work!
Morgaine Anu

“… deeply grounded sacred container that creates a resonance with wakefulness and safety…”

Ariel’s gift is one of laser-like clarity that pierces the core of whatever disturbance/unbalance may be held in the consciousness of whomever she is working with. She holds a deeply grounded sacred container that creates a resonance with wakefulness and safety that allows whatever is held unconsciously to be brought to full awareness and integration. Her mastery of clear presence allows the divine to manifest whatever is needed to bring one into an expanded field of coherency and wholeness. I hold her work in the highest respect and unhesitatingly recommend any opportunity you have to work with her.
Ron Toffinelli


Here’s What You’ll Receive

Seven 90-Minute Recorded Class Sessions With Ariel Spilsbury

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from renowned author, priestess, and unconventional initiator Ariel Spilsbury from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to shed millennia of masculine conditioning and rediscover the depths, magic, and sacred irreverence of the Divine Feminine.

Seven PDF Transcripts of Class Sessions

In addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Feminine Alchemy Bonus Collection
  • Chaos or Collective Alchemy
    Video Teaching From Ariel Spilsbury
  • Embodying Your Mythic Story
    Audio Recording With Ariel Spilsbury and Elayne Kalila Doughty
  • The Priestess Package
    Ebook and 2 Guided Audio Meditations From Ariel Spilsbury

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Awaken & Rebalance Yourself & Our World Through Feminine Alchemy Virtual Training


We feel honored that Ariel Spilsbury has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a rare opportunity to learn from a renowned author, priestess, and unconventional initiator whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about shifting patriarchal spiritual practices and diving into the deep, multidimensional core of your being, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

1 Payment of

Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE Awaken & Rebalance Yourself & Our World Through Feminine Alchemy or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form within 2 weeks of your date of purchase and we'll happily issue you a refund.


More Praise for Ariel Spilsbury…

“... awakened my soul from a deep slumber and set fire to my greatest gifts.”

My experience working with Ariel is that she has awakened my soul from a deep slumber and set fire to my greatest gifts. Through the power of unconditional love and devotion, she has called me forward to remembrance of my Priestess... which has rocked my whole world in the best way!

Her deep love and fierce devotion is a beacon for the world. Her level of mastery of channeling the Divine Feminine archetypes has drawn me to my knees in awe. I am humbled, grateful, and honored to be her student, her ally, her sister, and her friend. Any life she touches in forever blessed.
Dr. Nanilea Diamond, feminine leadership mentor

“... nothing short of mind-blowing, heart-opening, and soul-shaking.”

Working with Ariel in this way is nothing short of mind-blowing, heart-opening, and soul-shaking. If you’re at a crossroads in your life and can’t hear what’s next even though you know it’s hidden somewhere within you, working with Ariel is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. It is sure to lift the veils and help you reconnect to your own wisdom and path. Ariel’s wisdom cuts to the core into who I authentically am and leaves me catalyzed and activated. If you’re called to this work, there’s a reason. I suggest you answer the call.
Julie Santiago, Author and women’s life and leadership coach

“... increased my awe for what we call reality.”

Ariel’s life and work has touched mine in ways of co-creative splendor and outrageous fun that expand horizons on what can look like an ordinary playing field. She has added spin and dimensions to my life that have increased my awe for what we call reality. Her profound depth and stillness have allowed me to find my own... what an immense and immeasurable gift!! Ariel is one of a kind… a trail blazing comet!
Kristin Koré Taylor, Instructor at Maui Yoga Path, improvisational dancer, and scent priestess

“... the living embodiment of love and compassion.”

Thank you, Ariel, for incarnating as our gift of remembrance. Your vast abilities to bridge the dimensional realms and to return us to the one heart in all Her names and forms has transformed my life forever! You truly are the living embodiment of love and compassion.
Diana Dubrow, scent priestess and founder of The Emerald Temple

“I feel the channels have been opened to full communion with the Divine!”

Through the 13 Moon work, for the first time in my life I experienced the reality of heaven on Earth! I feel the channels have been opened to full communion with the Divine! I am in lifetime appreciation and gratitude for the immensity of this gift of awareness!
Sarah Uma, archetypal mentor and a joyful living coach


About Ariel Spilsbury


Ariel Spilsbury describes herself as an empty reed of consciousness who humbly listens to the Divine current and scribes what is heard and felt. Having devoted her life to the conscious awakening of all beings, she’s traveled around the globe for more than 30 years to share the wisdom of the Divine Feminine. She’s offered this work through writing, teaching, sacred theater presentations, a metaphysical store, conferences, consciousness events, lectures, seminars, a metaphysical newspaper, moon circles for women, spiritual counseling, and maintaining a temple of the Goddess for 25 years.

Founder of the 13 Moon Mystery School and author of The 13 Moon Oracle and Gaia's New DreamCoat: A Faerie Guide to Gaia's Greening, Ariel offers spiritual counseling services and workshops designed with the intention of planetary awakening. She offers initiation into the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine, Mayan initiations, Divine Child workshops, and a sound-and-light technology called crystal singing. Ariel magnetizes sacred circles of light around the planet to bring people together in divine communion, love, and remembrance.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is 2 weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!


Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.
