With Renowned Enneagram Teacher &
Co-Author of The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Russ Hudson

A 12-Part On-Demand Audio Training

Explore the higher dimensions of your true nature and discover sacred teachings that allow you to manifest your deepest gifts through the empowering wisdom of the Enneagram and its Virtues.

Apply experiential practices to discern the difference between your emotional reactions and the deeper heart, and open your heart to better navigate other people’s perspectives, reactions, and habits.

Do you remember when you first figured out your Enneagram type and what a moment of revelation this was?

Understanding your core drives, challenges, and motives through the lens of this ancient multidimensional system is nothing short of a great aha! moment for most of us.

Students of the Enneagram spend years (lifetimes!) exploring their type and diving deeper into its many unique expressions. Yet, at a certain point, you may wonder, “what’s next?”

This moment is a turning point on your path of personal transformation...

Taking this next step ultimately leads you to your higher nature the qualities that most embody your essence. These qualities connect to your heart and to the deepest level of the Enneagram, the Virtues.

The Virtues are an embodied expression of your true nature and the foundation for a fully actualized life.

Though rarely taught publicly, the Virtues of the Enneagram are actually the core of the original, foundational teachings. Russ Hudson, co-founder of The Enneagram Institute, and one of the principal scholars and innovative thinkers in the Enneagram world today, calls the Nine Virtues “qualities of the awakened heart.” 

During this powerfully transformative 12-part course with Russ, you’ll explore the Virtues as a map for living as your Highest Self and embodying your full potential, cultivating these qualities and significantly expanding your Enneagram knowledge and integrative practices. 

Russ will guide you in transforming your passion (of your Enneagram type) into the highest expression of YOU your core Virtue.

In this immersive training on the Enneagram Virtues, you’ll discover:

  • The miracle of your awakeness that helps you navigate life with ease and confidence 
  • The alchemy of restored presence as the process that begins to turn the heart towards its true source, the “Beloved” 
  • The core suffering of the heart that’s at the root of the passion of lust
  • The real meaning of the passion of sloth, which isn’t actually laziness but is a habitual state of withdrawn attention, normal for egoic life 
  • The core suffering of the heart that’s at the root of the passion of angry resentment, vanity, and gluttony
  • The real meaning of the passion of pride often misunderstood and a major challenge for those in helping professions 
  • How to recognize and experience the qualities of equanimity in your daily life 
  • The real meaning of the passion of avarice, which is generally not the withholding of knowledge 
  • How to recognize and experience courage in your daily life
  • The specific relationship between the heart’s suffering and qualities of presence and grace 
  • The 9 Virtues as doorways to another kind of human community the alternative to fear as an organizing principle

As you begin to actualize this Virtue, or heart quality, you become more capable of real intimacy, great acts of service, creativity, and loving presence. 

Working with the Virtues engages a kind of spiritual alchemy, in which the fixation and essence of each Enneagram type are transformed into these nine heart qualities. 

“In a real sense, working with the Virtues transforms the lead of our dense states of ego into the gold of compassion, love, and truth,” Russ says. 

“They direct us to notice the suffering in our hearts created by a deep disconnection from Source… and to see how again and again, as soon as we come home to ourselves and the living moment, our spirits can fully flower.” 

For example, if you identify as a Type One, you yearn to be a force of good in the world, and to live a life of integrity and truth. Yet, anger and resentment toward the injustices and suffering in our world may prevent you from embodying the Virtue of serenity. Being present to anger and cultivating inner serenity allows the Type One to share their gifts with a fully open heart.

For Type Four, fixation on envy and “what’s missing” disconnect one from the Higher Self and Source. Stormy emotions can keep Type Four out of balance and in a state of discontentment. However, when Type Four can observe the core pattern with compassion and recognize the depth of their true suffering, the Virtue of equanimity is born.

While you may identify with a specific Enneagram type, the essential energies and to some degree, the passions of all nine types exist within everyone. As one of the world’s leading depth teachers, Russ focuses on the Enneagram as a holistic wisdom path

According to this approach, each Enneagram type indicates a particular state of presence.

The Virtues represent a strength and fullness of heart, as distinguished from the human tendency to get caught in endless reactivity or numbness. They serve as a foundation for the most rich and rewarding moments of our lives.

In actualizing not only our type’s Virtue but all nine, love becomes the organizing principle of your thoughts, decisions, relationships, and communities. 

In your discovery of the Virtues, Russ will share his insights on the relationship between type, instinct, and centers and practical applications that can further your personal growth and activate deep transformations in ALL areas of your life.

 Whether you’re a therapist, coach, healer, health care professional, teacher, artist, spiritual director, politician, or parent, you’ll emerge with a greater connection to your divine essence and your unique gifts as well as greater levels of acceptance, love, and compassion for yourself and others.

What You’ll Discover in These 12 Sessions

In this 12-part transformational intensive, Russ will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to access the higher dimensions of your true nature and discover sacred teachings that allow you to manifest your deepest gifts through the Enneagram and its Virtues.

This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Russ. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to access the higher dimensions of your true nature and manifest your deepest gifts through the Enneagram and its Virtues.

Module 1: Transform Human Suffering Into Presence & Grace Through the Enneagram & the Alchemy of the Heart

One of the great themes of Eastern and Western spirituality is the challenge of dealing with human suffering. In Buddhism, the First Noble Truth addresses suffering as the reason for the Buddhist path, which is also a major theme of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 

In its original presentation, the Enneagram was not primarily a system of type more precisely, it did not say that type was a person’s identity. 

Rather, the type aspect of the Enneagram teachings came from the Desert Fathers of Egypt the first Christian contemplatives as a means to look at the forms of suffering that distracted monks from their prayer and meditation. 

These teachings were a study of how we lose sight of the Divine. Yet, they also look at how human suffering is transformed by presence and grace into what came to be called the Virtues the qualities of the awakened heart. 

In this first module, you’ll discover:

  • The specific relationship between the heart’s suffering and qualities of presence and grace
  • How working with each Enneagram point is a study of a particular state of “heart presence” 
  • The alchemy of restored presence as the process that begins to turn the heart towards its true source its “Beloved” 
  • Each of the 9 points as a specific journey of the heart
  • The alchemical gold of inner work the results of cultivating our true inner life
  • How the Virtues reflect the qualities of a real teacher the signs of someone who has actually been on the authentic journey of awakening
  • The 9 Virtues as doorways to another kind of human community the alternative to fear as an organizing principle

Module 2: Type 8 Transform Lust Into Innocence & Mercy to Experience Exquisite Sensitivity

In this module, we’ll look at Type 8 not just as a kind of person, but as an overall principle of life and a quality of presence. Those whose psyches are organized most around these Type Eight issues and gifts will have this teaching as a main path in their lives. 

You’ll learn how it’s natural for human beings to feel fully alive… and to experience this in the heart as an exquisite sensitivity. 

The ego seeks to have the aliveness without sensitivity, and thus, creates suffering as a struggle to feel real and alive. As we presence this struggle, we’re touched by innocence a profound open-heartedness

In the second module, you’ll discover:

  • The natural state of aliveness and authenticity a basic element of grounded presence 
  • How to recognize and experience the qualities of innocence and mercy in your daily life 
  • The real meaning of the passion of lust 
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with lust
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of lust 
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 8

Module 3: Type 9 Sloth Transform Inertia Into Engagement to Experience Wholeness

In this module, Type Nine will teach us about the nature of being, and what our heart is like when we have come home to the here and now. We’ll see the suffering that arises as we lose our direct experience of being. 

Those whose psyches are organized most around these Type Nine issues and gifts will have this teaching as a main path in their lives. It’s an extraordinary thing when a person truly feels at home in herself  grounded, confident, and part of the vibrant world. 

When we lose presence, we tend to feel adrift and estranged from our own lives. The ego, not wanting to fully feel how distant we have become from our own direct heart experience, seeks to calm us by creating our own little world a way to disengage from the full impact of missed possibilities. 

As we presence this struggle, however, we begin to be touched by greater and greater engagement a total commitment and love of exactly where we are and who we are

You’ll deeply contemplate and explore the experience of the engaged heart.

In the third module, you’ll discover:

  • The natural state of harmonious, grounded presence the sense of wholeness and flow with life
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of full engagement in our daily lives
  • The real meaning of the passion of “sloth,” which is not actually laziness but is a habitual state of withdrawn attention 
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with sloth 
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of sloth 
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 9

Module 4: Type 1 Transform Angry Resentment & Reactivity Into Serenity to Experience the Source of Wisdom

Type One directly addresses the reactivity in the heart, which is the basis of much of our suffering. We want to be a force of good in the world, and to live a life of integrity and truth as much as possible. Yet, without presence, it is nearly impossible to not react to the seemingly endless array of injustices, distortions, untruths, and outright suffering we see. 

How do we support real solutions AND remain serene within? 

In this module, you’ll contemplate and explore the experience of serenity… and explore how awareness of your reactions helps you see the goodness within and around you the source of true wisdom and integrity

Serenity is not a given, but a quality of grace that grows in us as we learn to quell our reactivity and ground in steadiness and kindness. Here, you’ll learn how outrage can be transmuted into compassionate action. 

In the fourth module, you’ll discover:

  • The natural state of goodness and integrity whenever we open our hearts to present experience 
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of serenity in your daily life 
  • The real meaning of the passion of angry resentment
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with resentment and frustration
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of angry resentment 
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 1

Module 5: Type 2 Transform Pride Into Humility to Connect More Deeply Within & With Others

Most spiritual paths emphasize the value of humility, yet often, our attempts to be humble result in a great deal of self-consciousness… and an attempt to rise above our needy human condition. We may associate humility with having few needs, and yet, this is exactly the suffering of pride. 

Type Two shows us beautifully that when we are present in the heart, we naturally feel connected with anyone we are with. We feel a deep-rootedness in our own heart, and we experience the joy of giving and receiving freely part of the vast generosity of reality. 

When we are not present, we do not feel connected on a heart level, and so we think it’s our job to connect others or with others, to be the source of generosity, and to need as little as possible from others.

Underlying all of this is the deep ego conviction of our unworthiness and unlovability. Yet, when we are able to present our lonely, isolated hearts, we find an infinite kindness toward our own and others’ suffering. 

We stop rejecting our needs and longings and begin to understand what it might actually mean to care for our soul, for our hearts. In this way, true humility arises. 

You’ll explore humility as a compassionate relatedness with our humanness to love the messy edges of your life, and to realize that the most direct path to the divine is in the holding of all of your raw, beautiful humanity. 

You’ll contemplate and explore the experience of humility and see its action in your life and relationships.

In the fifth module, you’ll discover:

  • The tender aspects of presence the sense of loving kindness natural to the heart 
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the quality of humility in your daily life
  • The real meaning of the passion of pride a major challenge for those in helping professions
  • The tremendous pressure we put on ourselves to be there for others while neglecting our own souls and explore the deeper states of our hearts when we notice that we’re doing this
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with pride 
  • How our spiritual paths can support this pattern
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of pride
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 2

Q&A Session #1

In this special Q&A session, you’ll be able to further explore the course material and deepen your understanding. Russ will connect with course participants to hear about what they personally experienced while putting the principles and practices from the first part of the course into action.

Module 6: Type 3 Transform Vanity Into Authenticity to Live as an Expression of Love & Service

One of the main causes of suffering is mistaking ourselves to be the ego self. The problem is not that we have an ego, but that we think we are the ego. When we’re not present, we spend most of our time, energy, and imagination involved in ways to enhance our ego self. 

Since this isn’t actually our true self, we’re left feeling empty even when we succeed. So we throw ourselves into the next round of work to compensate. Thus, vanity here means the suffering created by trying to make the ego be something it cannot be. 

You’ll learn how to bring tenderness and patience to vanity, and as you start to recognize the nature of our true self, begin to develop the virtue of authenticity allowing your words and actions to flow from the heart. 

Increasingly, all that we do becomes an expression of love and service to the people in our lives. We enjoy what we are doing and find great fulfillment in all of our activities, and meet people with a genuine open-heartedness which is unmistakable. 

You’ll contemplate and explore the experience of authenticity and see its action in your life and relationships.

In the sixth module, you’ll discover:

  • The felt sense of being yourself and simply being the truth of this moment
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of vanity in your daily life 
  • The narcissism of daily life and the real meaning of the passion of vanity, which is the ego’s striving to be the “real me” 
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with vanity and self-deception 
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of vanity 
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 3

Module 7: Type 4 Transform Envy Into Equanimity to Experience Compassionate Presence & the Spaciousness of Heart

When we lose the sense of presence an apparently inevitable consequence of ego development, our heart experiences the loss of contact as a feeling of loss and abandonment. 

What we have lost is the direct experience of ourselves, and of our true identity. This is an enormous loss and produces great suffering. Our ego identities arise to try to compensate, but they are constructs, mainly of our interpretations of our history and a collection of familiar emotional states and moods. Our true identities, however, are mysterious deep, profound, and beautiful and nearly impossible to pin down. 

You’ll bring compassionate presence and some experience of the depth of your true identity to your suffering ego to begin to release old and outmoded attachments. In doing so, your heart will expand to take on an oceanic quality. 

The virtue of equanimity develops as the ability to be with the full range of human emotions in ourselves and others without getting stuck in them. It’s a spaciousness of heart and one of the marks of a truly developed person. 

In the seventh module, you’ll discover:

  • The mystery of identity and how it affects our experience of ourselves and the world 
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities of equanimity in your daily life 
  • The real meaning of the passion of envy, generally expressed as chronic disappointment and dissatisfaction with our lives
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working envy and disappointment 
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of envy
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 4

Module 8: Type 5 Transform Avarice Into Non-Attachment to Become Fully Present

All human beings struggle with the awareness of our own and others’ mortality. When we’re not present, this awareness can be so difficult and overwhelming that we spend our lives distracting ourselves or retreating from life’s apparent futility. 

This can lead to the passion of avarice, a radical withholding of ourselves and particularly a withholding of our hearts. We recoil from life and from contact, as the world seems insane and pointless. 

You’ll bring compassionate presence to avarice and begin to feel an implicit intelligence in everything that draws you back into deeper contact with the world

As this healing occurs, we develop the virtue of non-attachment. We’re still aware of the fragility of life, but this same knowing now produces great kindness and helpfulness and we’re in service to alleviating suffering wherever we can as our minds and hearts now work seamlessly together.

In the eighth module, you’ll discover:

  • The quality of discovery and illumination of experience and how direct knowing operates in our lives 
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities and benefits of non-attachment in your daily life 
  • The real meaning of the passion of avarice, which is generally not the withholding of knowledge as is often supposed
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with our avarice
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of avarice
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 5

Module 9: Type 6 Transform Fear & Angst Into Courage to Spark Awakening

Many spiritual teachings point to fear as one of the primary drivers of ego activity. The Course in Miracles, for example, describes fear as the main energy that takes us away from love and presence. Here at Type Six, we encounter these questions: What is this fear? What is causing it? And what is life like when we go through it and beyond it? 

We begin to see that our lives run with an underlying layer of constant anxiety a causeless and often nameless dread. As you bring compassionate presence and awareness to fear, you’ll begin to experience the virtue of courage. 

Courage here does not require danger, nor is it necessarily a response to danger. Rather, we’re concerned here with the courage of being ourselves all the way of living our truths and seeing through the fears that turn us back from what we love the most. It’s a fullness of heart that supports us in showing up fully in our lives. 

In the ninth module, you’ll discover:

  • The miracle of our awakeness the fact that we can be awake and aware of anything in our experience… and that this awakeness helps us navigate our lives more confidently and effortlessly
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities and benefits of courage in our daily lives
  • The real meaning of the passion of fear or angst, which is more generally a chronic disappointment and dissatisfaction with our lives
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with our angst and anxiety particularly, how these states cause us to disregard our own inner wisdom and to turn back from what really calls our heart
  • The core suffering of the heart that’s at the root of the passion of angst
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 6

Module 10: Type 7 Transform Gluttony Into Sobriety to Experience Sustained Positivity

Sobriety might sound a bit austere when we first hear of it, but it’s actually a quality of deep satisfaction and fulfillment that arises when we are truly at peace with ourselves and in touch with our inner nature. We might recall moments like this, and they tend to remain powerful memories even if they are of simple events. 

Yet, throughout our lives, we are desperately looking for something to “fill us up.” We seek something to complete us yet we’re not sure what it is. When we lose the direct experience of our presence, as happens for all human beings, we feel an inner emptiness that leaves us raw and restless. 

We seldom experience this emptiness directly because our ego structures are constantly trying to protect us from the fear and sorrow that it brings. 

You’ll bring compassionate awareness to this desperate part of you to experience a sustained and causeless positivity, or sobriety. We’re not grasping after anything, and the richness of our lives brings a lasting feeling of completeness and freedom.

In the tenth module, you’ll discover:

  • The miracle of awakeness the fact that we can be awake and aware of anything in our experience and navigate our lives with confidence and ease 
  • How to recognize and experience more deeply the qualities and benefits of sobriety in your daily life 
  • The real meaning of the passion of gluttony, which is a hunger for experiences and not merely an interest in food and drink
  • The various psychological and practical challenges to working with our gluttony 
  • The core suffering at the root of the passion of gluttony
  • The resolution of the primary inner conflict in Type 7

Q&A Session #2

In this final Q&A session, you’ll deepen your understanding of the Virtues and how they relate to your type and life. Russ will connect with course participants to hear about what they personally experienced while putting the principles and practices from the first part of the course into action.

The Enneagram of the Virtues Bonus Collection

In addition to Russ’ transformative 12-part virtual course, you’ll receive this special bonus collection to complement the course and take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

The Origins of the Enneagram
Audio Teaching From Russ Hudson

The Enneagram is a synthesis of wisdom traditions that go back to the dawn of Western civilization. In this fascinating audio, you’ll explore how while the ideas associated with the Enneagram do not have a clear and simple lineage, the perspectives on the human condition that the Enneagram work is based on have a long pedigree that’s richly woven with the history of Western religion, philosophy, and science. You’ll hear about George Gurdjieff and Oscar Ichazo, who brought the symbol and the typology of the Enneagram to the modern world, and much more.

The Levels of Development A Guide to Vertical Transformation
Audio Teaching From Russ Hudson

In this profound teaching, Russ discusses the pioneering work of Don Richard Riso, who developed the nine levels of development within each type a dimension that makes the Enneagram explicitly a tool for growth. As you’ll explore, the levels cover the range in each type from deep pathology and neurosis to normal ego functioning to profound states of realization. You’ll discover the healthier aspects of all nine types, and how the levels show fluctuations of awareness and stages of progress as you move from identification with egoic material to more liberated states of consciousness.

The Real Work of the Enneagram: Rooting the Enneagram in the Fourth Way Tradition
Audio Dialogue From Russ Hudson

What is "the work" of the Enneagram, and what does it mean to do real work on yourself? Listen in as Russ shares about the Fourth Way, the compelling reasons to engage in inner work, and how to apply insights of the Enneagram to deepen your inner development. You’ll be invited into practices that bring your whole self, in its full-spectrum glory, to each moment. Get ready to receive revelations that will empower you to show up fully for yourself, your relationships, and our planet.

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What Graduates of Russ Hudson’s Courses Are Saying…

Beth Ronsick: “I Grew So Much, and I Grew Up a Lot”

Ellen Sagmyr: “I Appreciate Russ Hudson’s Radical Candor”

Walker Bass: “Russ Hudson Provides Valuable Relationship Tools”

“Russ Hudson is so inspiring to listen to with his calm, heartfelt wisdom.”
This course helped me become more aware of my limiting personality patterns while also promoting self-compassion and acceptance. Russ Hudson is so inspiring to listen to with his calm, heartfelt wisdom. I would recommend his courses to anyone who is serious about inner work.
Astrid Pichler-Ernst, Austria
“Russ Hudson is so inspiring to listen to with his calm, heartfelt wisdom.”
“The faculty was outstanding!”
The faculty was outstanding! I have been studying and coaching using the Enneagram for the last four years, and this course accelerated my understanding of the Enneagram by making it a lived experience. I added the practices to my daily meditation and I have had a continual and rich felt sense of presence.
Mary Ovenstone, Onrus, South Africa
“The faculty was outstanding!”
“I am healthier in mind, heart, and body, and these three centers are working together for me rather than against each other.”
I am healthier in mind, heart, and body, and these three centers are working together for me rather than against each other. I know myself better and I have now incorporated into my life practices to stop self-rejection and to embrace self-acceptance. I have an international community that supports me in my commitment to take on this difficult inner transformation.
Celeste, Burlington, Canada
“I am healthier in mind, heart, and body, and these three centers are working together for me rather than against each other.”
“I truly loved the systemic approach of Russ.”
This course has enabled me to start on a path of self-discovery. I truly loved the systemic approach of Russ. It was very much directed to self-knowledge and growth. However, as a self-preserving 6, I feel that I don’t yet have the confidence I need to bring these learnings to others.
Dymphna Healy Dyon, Paris, France
“I truly loved the systemic approach of Russ.”

Here’s What You’ll Receive

Ten 60-Minute Audio Class Sessions With Russ Hudson

Experience a unique opportunity to learn from renowned Enneagram teacher Russ Hudson from the comfort of your own home. Each class includes a streaming audio option and will guide you to manifest your deepest gifts through the empowering lens of the Enneagram Virtues.

Two 60-Minute Video Q&A Sessions with Russ Hudson

You’ll also receive two hour-long Q&A sessions with Russ.

Ten Transcripts of Class Sessions

You'll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.

Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson

Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.

The Enneagram of the Virtues Bonus Collection
  • The Origins of the Enneagram
    Audio Teaching by Russ Hudson
  • The Levels of Development A Guide to Vertical Transformation
    Audio Teaching by Russ Hudson
  • The Real Work of the Enneagram: Rooting the Enneagram in the Fourth Way Tradition
    Audio Dialogue With Russ Hudson

An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Training, The Enneagram of the Virtues

We feel honored that Russ Hudson has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive online training. This is a unique opportunity to learn from a renowned Enneagram teacher and co-author of The Wisdom of the Enneagram whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.

If you’re serious about accessing the higher dimensions of your true nature and manifesting your deepest gifts through the empowering lens of the Enneagram’s Virtues, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind training.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your own evolution, click the register button below to reserve your space now.

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Your Satisfaction Is 100% Guaranteed!

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! If you don’t absolutely LOVE The Enneagram of the Virtues or don’t feel that it meets your needs please submit your refund request form 2 weeks from your date of purchase and we’ll happily issue qualifying customers a refund.

More Praise for Russ Hudson…

“... his work has allowed me to live a more soul-directed life.”
Russ Hudson is a gifted teacher and wise scholar who offers some of the deepest and most comprehensive understanding of the transformative power of the Enneagram. By helping me to become aware of the habitual patterns of thinking and acting that keep me a prisoner of my personality, his work has allowed me to live a more soul-directed life.
Cheryl Richardson, author of Waking Up in Winter: In Search of What Really Matters at Midlife
“... his work has allowed me to live a more soul-directed life.”
“Russ is a master…”
Russ is a master in the Enneagram and in heartfelt understanding, respect, and kindness to fellow beings. In his presence, something pure inside gets awakened.
Sajili, Mumbai, India
“Russ is a master…”
“Russ conveys his teachings with a rare insight and clarity.”
I now have more awareness of where I am and what I’m doing and being in that moment with Presence. Russ conveys his teachings with a rare insight and clarity. I have done courses and retreats with him over the last seven years, and I am so blessed and grateful to have the Enneagram in my life. The Shift Network has been a brilliant and well-run platform for the courses.
Carmel, United Kingdom
“Russ conveys his teachings with a rare insight and clarity.”

About Russ Hudson

Russ Hudson has established himself over the past three decades as one of the top teachers and developers of the Enneagram personality typology in the world today. Actively involved in the Enneagram community, Russ is co-founder and president emeritus of The Enneagram Institute, as well as a founding director and former vice president of the International Enneagram Association. He's been writing and teaching full time with The Enneagram Institute since 1991.

Russ has co-authored five bestselling books with Don Richard Riso, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. These books are widely considered to be not only groundbreaking contributions in the field of Enneagram studies, but also important contributions to the literature of psychological types. The pair developed a scientifically validated test instrument, the Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI), now considered a standard test in the Enneagram field. The RHETI has been used by numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Russ has a solid background in science, as well as in studies of philosophy and religion. He approaches his work with the Enneagram holding both perspectives. He originally encountered the Enneagram through The Gurdjieff Work, and sees it as a map for personal development and awareness rather than merely a system for categorizing people. He has emphasized the importance of cultivating presence and mindfulness as a foundation for authentic work with the Enneagram, and has worked diligently to align the study of the Enneagram to spiritual practice and to bring the benefits of this synthesis into greater public awareness.

Russ has been interviewed as an expert on personality types on several dozen radio and television shows, including Good Morning America and The CBS Morning Show. He has become a popular speaker at conferences and retreat centers around the world, including the Esalen Institute, the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, and the Science and Nonduality Conference (SAND).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with The Shift Network and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee for a full two weeks so that you can try out the course risk free. The deadline to receive a refund is two weeks from your date of purchase. To request a refund, please click here to submit your Refund Application Form. Your refund will be processed within five business days and we will send you an email confirmation when your refund has been completed. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at support@theshiftnetwork.com, and we’ll be happy to help!

Q: How can I reach Customer Support?
A: Please visit our Customer Support Center, where you should be able to find the answer to your question or the solution to your problem. And if you can’t, you can submit an online request form and we’ll get right back to you.

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The Enneagram of the Virtues
Russ Hudson